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Devotions for Monday 24 May

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm 34 verse 14, “Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace and pursue it,”(NRSVB). This psalm was written by David when he was fleeing from his enemies who sought his life. In these bitter circumstances David could still praise the Lord for he knew that the Lord was near to those who called on him, “The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and His ears are open to their cries,” (verse 14). David experienced God intervention on his behalf when he was guarding the sheep against wild animals, when he went out to battle Goliath, when Saul opposed him and battled against him and when his own son, Absolom started a rebellion in the kingdom. God sustained David in these life-threatening situations. God gave him new hope and saved him from his enemies in the most miraculous ways. David experienced God’s unique and perfect intervention when he was fighting a giant professional soldier with only a slingshot and five stones thus gaining the victory over this mighty warrior. This was only the beginning of God’s works and deeds of mighty action seen in the life of King David as he worked to bring the Israelites together as a nation who feared and revered God, the God of the Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. David had to fight battles and be a commander on the battle field. However, he states in this Psalm that the only objective that is worth pursuing, is having peace with God, then peace with neighbours, and even the enemy, would follow.

Peace is a product of respecting the laws of God and acting towards God with reverance. David wants to teach his subjects to love God with all their heart, mind and strength, “Come you children, listen to me; I will teach you to revere and worshipfully fear the Lord,” (Verse 12). Those who fear the Lord respect his commandments, and honour him by acting kindly and with good-will towards their neighbours. However, there are times when enemies pursue and are not interested in peace treaties. In times like these, God will redeem the lives of His servants and they will not be ashamed. God is the sure rock and refuge. He forgives those who repent and turn from there wrong ways, and blesses them with his peace so that they can practice exercising what is good and contemplate what is life-giving and peace enhancing.

In a world that is in constant upheavel, peace seems elusive. The Apostle Paul writes in his First Letter to the Corinthians, Chapter 7 verse 15, “God has called us to peace,”(NRSVB). In this Chapter of the Letter to the Corinthians, Paul goes to great pains to explain that peace must reign in the marriage and in the family, peace must reign between unbelievers and believers, for the peaceful and godly conduct of the believers will serve as an example to the unbelievers and could turn them to faith. In many situations it will not be the big issues that will be “the straw that will finally break the camel’s back”, but small matters that will cause rifts and discord. The Apostle Paul explains that it is the Christian’s duty to act, bearing peace in mind. It means that one has to accept slights, and even insults, if it would bring about peace and new understanding, diffusing situations. It would be better to suffer for a righteous cause than to win at the cost of collective peace. Bringing calm and restoring peace wherever one goes is the hallmark of trusting in God’s goodness and his power to turn around situations. “Not by the power and might” of the words and the actions of men, but by the power of the Spirit of God. This Spirit of God, the Spirit of peace and unity, dwells in God’s children.

Jesus gave us a new commandment, “to love one another as I have loved you,” (John 13 verse 34). Jesus Christ loved the world so much, that he chose not to say a word in self-defence during his trial, but willingly died for all, so that there would be peace on earth and good-will among all men. The love of God has broken down the barrier between the opposing will of good and evil that reigns in people in their ungenerated state. Through the love of Jesus and his work on the Cross for us, we are all new creatures.

As new creatures we yearn and call on God to bring his peace in this world and work in his Church to show his love and salvation, his healing balm. We have been given the Spirit of God, this Spirit of Truth teaches us how to love with the love of God and bring peace there where we dwell.

Father, we thank you that you have promised us peace, not as the world gives, but your perfect peace. You have come to draw all humans to you, to come into the peace of their Lord, Amen.

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