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Devotion – Wednesday, 12 May

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm 91 verses 1 to 2, “You who live in the shelter of the most high, who abide in the shadow of the almighty, will say to the Lord: My refuge and my fortress; My God in whom I trust,” (NRSVB). During times of danger this psalm has been quoted by believers through the ages, as they battle the calamities that are part of life on earth. Humans need shelter against the elements and the storms of life. God promises through his word, and reveals to us through his deeds, his constant care for his creation and her people. Looking back on fearful events in our lives, we are in awe of God’s care and how he has protected us. God cared, even in situations where we were not aware of the danger surrounding us. God is the same God yesterday, today and forever. He promises that he will shelter us like he sheltered the Israelites in the desert. He gave them a cloud to shelter them from the sun by day, and a column of fire to give them light and warmth and protect them in the desert. When we come to a desert place in our lives, let us not grow weary and fearful, for God promises that he is our refuge. God‘s protection is not only promised for our physical well-being, but also for our emotional and spiritual well-being. He wants to make us glad and to give us his joy. He has instructed us to open our mouths wide, and call on him and ask from him! He promises that he will open the windows of heaven to rain blessings on those who love him. Those who call on his Name with prayers, waiting faithfully on his promises, will not be disappointed. At the appointed time, God will answer the prayers of his children.

The Apostle John writes in his First Letters in Chapter 5 verse 14, “And this is the boldness we have in him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us,” (NRSVB). We are given the assurance that God gives us his Holy Spirit to help us to pray in accordance with God’s will. God’s will is that there would be peace on earth, that people will live life with joy, acknowledging God’s reign, power and his plan of redemption for all, through Jesus. God has given us his Son, this gift of love and grace reconciles us to all the Father is and has. He wants us to live a life that is overflowing with joy. For us humans, it is difficult to understand how suffering and calamity can be part of a joyful life. Job questioned God, and God came to reveal to Job that what we see with our human eyes do not reflect what is transpiring in the universe. Our time of suffering is not a time of punishment, but a time of strengthening us for the work and favour that God has in store for us. Let us take heart and not fall into doubt, God is working on our behalf and will open a new door, when doors start to close. Prayer and song open prison doors and break chains of bondage.

“About midnight, as Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them, suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the very foundation of the prison were shaken; and at once all the doors were opened and everyone’s shackles were unfastened,” Acts 17 verses 25 and 26, (Amplified Bible). God uses his awesome power and commands the elements to answer the prayers of his children. Earthquakes are fearful happenings, but God can use them to bring about the desired outcomes for his children, as he did with Paul and Silas in the prison. Not only did this miracle bring the apostles out of prison, it brought prison guards and other prisoners to faith, to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t be afraid of the earthquakes in your life. God works in mysterious ways in the lives of his children. 

Dear Father God, we thank you that we can bring all our doubts and fears to you, Amen.

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