Devotion – Wednesday, 10 March

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 31 verse 3, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness,” (NASB). The prophet Jeremiah states in this chapter, that after the vision he received from God, he felt comforted and his sleep was “sweet,” He received assurance that “The Lord of Israel” will restore Israel and Judah again and “watch over them to build and to plant.” Because of God’s ever-lasting love, mercy and compassion with the people created, He keeps on calling them, and drawing them back with bonds of love. God doesn’t tie his creatures down; they are free to walk away from him. However, our loving Father’s heart is filled with pain when he sees how his children are suffering, due to their straying from his commandments. He waits for the return of his children, whispering to their hearts, his love. God’s love is unconditional; it has been from the beginning, and shall be, to the end of the ages. There is nothing that we can do to change this love he has for us. He has given us redemption through his Son, and he wants to bestow on us insight opening our understanding to be able to marvel at this love. When we marvel at this love of God that we receive, we are able to enjoy this love of our Father and honour Him. Then our joy becomes ever greater and fuller. God speaks to us, even in our sleep, and gives us peace within ourselves; because we are at peace with him. Scripture tells the story of God walking with his children on earth. This is the story of each one of us, for he will never forsake us, despite our turning away, following our own minds and hearts. Families rejoice when rebel children, filled with repentance, return home. They are assured that the love of their parents and family will not cast them out, but receive them back, joyously. This brings new life, hope and restoration, and the angels rejoice with the family. God waits for the nations to return to him and recognize his love for them. 

God’s nature is love. He has given this nature to his creatures. Mother hens protect their little ones with their lives if situations necessitate such behaviour. Tirelessly parent birds fly great distances to feed their hungry young. Nature teaches us never to come between mother animals and their young; for they are forever looking out and keeping the young ones safe, fed and comforted. They will not stop at attacking those they perceive as enemies to the young. Some might prefer to call it instinct, but it is more than that, it is love made visible in nature. God’s love has always been there to surround us and nurture us, but we have not perceived it. Ultimately, He came down from heaven to earth, to live with us, and be the embodiment of Love. Jesus became God’s Love made visible for us, as he paid the price of his unconditional love for us, on the Cross. Love on the Cross seems to be a paradox, but it is the ultimate pronouncement of love. “No one has greater love, than to lay down his own life for his friends,” John 15 verse 1, (Amplified Bible). 

There are many narratives of brave and loving people who have done courageous things to save loved ones and strangers, endangering their lives, even losing their lives, so that others could live. God is love, and he pours his love into us so that we can show his love in a loveless world.  Laying down our lives daily means to come to a point where we are able to act towards those who persecute us in such a manner that the love of God and his sacrificial nature is shown in our behaviour. “God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them,” First Epistle of John, Chapter 4:16. 

Father, we thank you for loving us first, drawing us with chords of love to you.  You have created your love in us and have given us your Son, who laid down his life for us, Amen. 

Categories: Daily Devotion