Devotion – Tuesday 5 January 2021

Dear Readers, Friends in Jesus Christ

Our watch word for today is taken from Psalm 23:6, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life,” (NRSVB). King David, the writer of this psalm, was a shepherd before he became the king of Israel. There, in the field, where he was watching his sheep, he studied and got to know that nature and the ways of sheep very well. This knowledge helped him in his role as king of Israel. He understood that in many respects people react like sheep. Once, when the sheep know their shepherd, they will follow him. When the leader is concerned about his flock; following this leader will lead to green pastures. However, when the leader has no tenderness in his heart towards his bleating flock, they could come to harm. David protected the sheep from natural enemies like wolves and lions, and from the onslaughts of bandits and thieves. He travelled with his sheep and guided them to good pastures for feeding and rest. His thoughts and his actions were directed towards the safety and well-being of his sheep. 

In the Ancient Near East the shepherd walked ahead of the flock and the sheep followed on behind him. He always peered over his shoulder, just to make sure that no one drifted too far away from the flock. The wandering sheep would be called by the shepherd, most of the time, by name. The shepherd, David, was also a poet. He reflected on the words of God as he looked after the sheep. He wrote poems and psalms and sang songs while playing his lyre. Maybe he even sang to his sheep, as they travelled through the hillside. David describes, in Psalm 23:6, how goodness and mercy follow him, just as if they are two sheep, gladly following their shepherd. What a beautiful image to carry with us today, having goodness and mercy following us joyfully! Despite the various situations and environments we find ourselves in, goodness and mercy will not leave us, but follow us and enhance our lives and fill us with joy. 

Our application text is taken from Jesus’ teaching to his disciples. Jesus describes Himself as the Good Shepherd, whose sheep know His voice and listen to Him, because they trust Him. “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly,” (NRSVB). Jesus, our Good Shepherd, delights in seeing his sheep peacefully enjoying green pastures, rest and fearless dwelling. Sheep are in need of a shepherd to be able to live securely. They are not as well-equipped as many other animals to make it on their own in the fields. Sheep flourish in flocks, but the flock is easily scattered when the sheep are frightened by noise, strangers and new, uncertain situations. Jesus loves sheep and understands their vulnerability. He gave Himself as sacrifice for us. He stood quietly, “like a lamb before his shearers” and became the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” 

We are like sheep and go astray (Isaiah 53:6), but the Good Shepherd has his eye on us and comes and finds us where we are and says, “Don’t be afraid, it is I,” (John 6:20).

Father God, we thank you that you sent your Son to earth. There in the stable, the sheep and their little lambs came with their shepherds, to see you of whom the angels sang. Thank you that you have taken up the cause of the meek and the mild, those who cannot fend for themselves. You call the lost and bind up their broken limbs and speak hope to their broken hearts. You lead your sheep to your banquet table that you have prepared with nourishing food. We thank you for your goodness and your mercy. We pray to you our Father, in the Name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

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