hands, open, candle

Devotion – Tuesday 4 May

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm 138 verse 3, “On the day I called, you answered me, you increased my strength of soul,” (NRSVB). In this Psalm of David he rejoices in the sure knowledge that God hears the calls of his children and listens to their cries. David has experienced God’s loving-kindness towards him and God’s mercy that saved him in times of great trouble. Just as God has been the God who perfected that which concerned David, likewise he will deal with all his children. God will not forsake the works of his own hand, his children. Generations upon generations call on God who listens to the calls and answers the cries. Calling from the depths of despair, knowing that no-one can save; we are assured that we will be revived through God’s mighty right hand. He will give us new spiritual and physical strength to face each day. 

Every day has its quota of problems. There are times when we become overwhelmed as it seems as if the dark clouds are just mounting on the horizon. God bends his ear to hear, even the faintest cry of his weakest child. He reaches out his mighty right hand and saves his precious child from calamity. Calling in the dark night, needing help; is a very fearful experience, but we are promised that God will not allow us to be abandoned to dangers. He will surely save us and fill us with hope and grow our faith. When we think of all the times when God answered us in our deepest moments of fear, we can, like David, give all the praise and credit to the Lord, for He saved us. God is glorified by us when we call on him, he wants us to call on him and take hold of all the promises that he has given us. He knows that we are made of dust; that we are frail, spiritually and physically, but he is strong, mighty and ready to save us to the utmost. 

The Apostle Paul teaches that God is faithful to all. He listens to the calls of all people and brings them to safety and to the knowledge of his Lordship and the work of his Son. We can call on the Lord together and bring this world and the current situations to the Lord. He is mindful of the crying and prayerful calls and will not disappoint those who trust in his deliverance. “The same Lord is Lord of all and is generous to all who call on him,” Romans Chapter 10 verse 12, (NRSVB). Jesus teaches us that we need to continue to ask the Father, to call on his name, for the Father knows what we need before we even ask. “For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking, the door will be opened. Or what man is there of you, if his son asks him for a loaf of bread, will hand him a stone? If you then, wicked as you are, know how to give good and advantageous gifts to you children, how much more will you Father Who is in heaven, as perfect as He is; give good and advantageous things to those who keep on asking Him,” Matthew 7 verses 8 to 12, (Amplified Bible). Asking for help, asking for forgiveness, asking for support, is a very difficult thing for most grown-ups to do. We try to work as hard as we can, bumping our heads and falling over obstacles, because we try to do things ourselves. Little children come quickly, and with the expectation that their parents will be able to help them, when they are distressed. We need to acknowledge deep within ourselves our need for help. We need to acknowledge our human fears and come to God, like a little child, calling on our Father’s help. He will not disappoint us, but will overcome those insurmountable problems that frightened us. God waits for us to call on him and experience his gift of love that drives out fear.

Father, we come to you and call on your Name. We bring to you our fears and cares. We ask on behalf of all who are in sorrow and despair, Father, hear our prayers, Amen. 

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