Devotion – Tuesday, 26 January

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watch word for today is taken from the prophet Jeremiah, Chapter 23 verse 29, “Is not my word like fire, that consumes all that cannot endure the test,” says the Lord, “and like a hammer that breaks in pieces the rock of most stubborn resistance,” (Amplified Bible). These words of the Lord came to Jeremiah announcing woe on the civil and religious leaders of Israel who were gathering a following of people, whom they were misleading with false prophecy and words they devised to gain control. The people were suffering under the wrong impression regarding their leaders as acting in their best interest. The leaders were growing their own estates and influence at the expense of those they were supposed to be leading in the way of the Lord. God and his commands were far from the hearts and minds of the leaders who were using the difficult times as a means of extracting even more from people who were already burdened to the hilt. Through the voice of Jeremiah the leaders of the society and the temple were warned that God sees the hidden plans and false purposes. He will come with his refining fire and his destroying hammer to bring justice and righteousness. 

The image of fire has been a sign of God’s presence, as was demonstrated in God leading Israel by a fiery column in the desert. This fire provided light and warmth and it also gave protections, for invaders and animals are fearful of light and fire and rather attack in the dark. The image of a burning fire place invokes thoughts of warmth, care and hospitality, fire serves humanity. Fire consumes the dross from metals in order to make their true beauty and value shine through. The fire that is used in the potters kiln seals the vessels and makes them fit for their purpose. This burning fixes the beautiful patterns and colours engraved on vessels to last and endure for the uses they are created for. The fire that consumed the sacrifices turned these into ashes, while leaving a beautiful and fragrant aroma. This communicated that the offerings the priests sacrificed for the people, were acceptable in God’s sight. The hammer represents the tool that is employed to break stones that will be used to build with. God wants to break the hearts of stone of the people and turn these fragments into living and worshipping stones, rekindling the hearts of the fathers to turn to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, (Malachi 4:6).     

Jesus’ words should be interpreted within the frame of the verses heading the Gospel of Luke in Chapters 12 and 13. We are told in Luke Chapter 12 that thousands came to listen to Jesus and He told them to be careful of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees that stirs them up, for it will lead to their demise. The Pharisees will use it to gain more control over the people, the client kings and the Roman authorities. Jesus finished his teaching and was informed that Pilate had just mixed the blood of Jews coming to bring their offering to the altar with their sacrifices. He had it then burnt as a way to control the people with fear. How was this possible when the Pharisees and civil leaders were there? “I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” was what Jesus taught in Luke 12 verse 49.He urged the people not to worry about what they should eat or drink, to seek the Kingdom of God, for the evil days were coming. This fire that Jesus spoke about was the fire that came down in tongues on those who waited for the Holy Spirit, after Jesus’ ascending to heaven. Jesus was the last blood sacrifice, his Sacrifice was perfect. After Him the fire on the altar needed never to be rekindled. The Holy Spirit was released on earth. God’s presence, the everlasting fire, holiness and perfection, these are given in his Son and Spirit, dwelling on earth, working to bring peace for us.

Father, we thank you that you dwell in your world through Jesus, and your Spirit, Amen.

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