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Devotion – Tuesday, 23 March

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of Joshua, Chapter One, verse 9, “I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous,” (NRSVB). Joshua was the commissioned leader, even before Moses’ death, to lead Israel into the Promised Land. He had a long preparation under the leadership of Moses to take up this task. He captained Israel’s army against the Amalekites, he worked as an assistant to Moses, and was one of the twelve spies who entered Canaan. By all accounts he was well prepared for his task. He knew that he would not be able to lead successfully, if the Lord would not lead and guide him as he commanded Israel. God spoke to Joshua and told him that the command is not from a human, but from God, and therefore Joshua need not be afraid, “For the Lord your God is with you, wherever you go,” (Joshua 1 verse 9, Amplified Bible). God commands us to follow him, we do not know the way that He is going to take us to The Promised Land, but we know that he is with us guiding every step and every minute. The classics story of John Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress, tells of the last hurdle, being so close to victory that can cause doubt and wavering. Everyone faces their own Doubting Castle, but it is in times like these that God tells you, “I command you: Have courage!” 

In this time of Lent, when we follow in the steps of Jesus on his way to Jerusalem, we reflect on his acts along the way. Despite knowing what was waiting ahead of him: the unjust trial, the mockery, the flogging, carrying his cross and being crucified, he continued teaching, healing, ministering and consoling. Through the Spirit of the Lord, God gives his children the power to proclaim his word and continue their journey on the road to The Promised Land with joy and courage. This is not a courage that we can awake within ourselves using external resources. This is the courage born of God, given to us to fulfil the ministry that He has anointed us to share in this world. Your ministry, your work and your prayers are not in vain. You do not have to be fearful of the world and its condemnation, look up and know, you are protected and blessed as you work with renewed fervour in the Lord’s Kingdom.      

“God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline,” the Apostle Paul wrote in his Second Letter to the pastor, Timothy, Chapter 1 verse 7. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, knew the concerns of the young pastor, Timothy, and he encouraged him to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, who will guide him to work in love and with self-discipline in his congregations. This power, given to God’s workers who share in bringing of the Gospel throughout the world, makes the witnesses to Christ and his work on the Cross bold and strong. 

In a world where the voice of the church and her people have been shouted down and quietened, we need not to cringe back, and be fearful; for we can courageously witness that we are bringers of Good News, and glad tidings! In a world that is aching and broken, a world where the promises of rulers and captains of industry sound very empty and shallow, where hope is low, where darkness is hanging over us, where death and sickness are rampant, for this world, we have the message of hope in Christ today. We have to stand on God’s promise and follow his commandment to be courageous, love our neighbour and point them to the hope of All the Ages: Jesus, our Lord, Crucified. 

Father, we thank you that you have given your Light, Love and Light in us, through your Son. You give us courage to face this life boldly and proclaim your Word, Amen. 

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