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Devotion – Tuesday, 2 March

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm 119 verse 66, “Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I believe in your commandments,” (NRSVB). This psalm is an acrostic psalm that rejoices in the commandments of God. Each verse uses a synonym for the word “law” to reflect on God’s commandments. The psalm opens with the word “blessed.” Blessed are those who walk in the law of the Lord and keep his testimonies. The Lord’s ways and his statutes, his precepts and his words, his promises and ordinances, his judgments and his faithfulness, are words used to describe the righteous rule of God. The psalmist ends this didactic poem with a reference to sheep, “I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek, inquire for, and demand Your servant, for I do not forget Your commandments,” verse 176, (Amplified Bible). Learning the commandments of God is a joyous undertaking, for it teaches us to live a blessed life under the principles of the Word of God. Attaining knowledge of God must be taught to the sheep of his flock. Walking according to his ordinances is taught being with the Shepherd. Obeying God’s commandments keeps us steady and helps us to progress in the way of truth, light and life, despite the calamities that cross our road. Even when we suffer situations where we are troubled, in danger and scoffed at, the certainty of God’s help and loving-kindness to his faltering child; brings us back on course. God knows that we are dust-people, bound to stray, but he guards us and continues to teach us his ways. It is good for us to seek the Lord and his counsel in his word. He keeps his promises, saves and blesses his children, even when they falter. His plan and purpose for the world is redemption through his Son.    

The Apostle James says that those of us who lack wisdom need to ask for guidance from the Lord who gives his godly wisdom generously to those who seek and inquire of him, (James 1 verse 5). Wisdom is something that everyone would like to have and people pay great sums of money to learn many wise and worldly philosophies and theories. However, much of the teaching and learning have proven to be incomplete and are not leading people to paths of righteousness, living life in light and truth. The laws of God are not burdens, but the gateways to freedom and right living. Whatever you want others to do to you, do so unto them. Loving the Lord and loving our neighbour, no law can be against this precept, for it brings us in right standing with God and men. The Spirit of God works within us so that our works reveal that we bear good fruit because we are branches of the Vine, Christ. “Who is wise and understanding among you? Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom,” James 3:13, (NRSVB). 

Searching God’s word through reading, praying and listening to his proclaimed word, teaches us more about God’s plans and purposes. It grounds as in his new commandment. Throughout scripture we can attest to his love and forgiveness and his faithfulness to all the generations through the fulfilment of his promises. The gift of God’s Son satisfied every requirement of perfection of the law. We cannot obey God’s law completely. Christ obeyed every iota of the law for us, and made us free from guilt under the letter of the law. He paid the price for our misdeeds. The knowledge of God’s grace and the experience of his patience towards us enable us to treat those around us with humility, neighbourly love and respect. Our works are not our own, they are worked in us by God’s Spirit who reveals to us truth and wisdom as we seek Him with our whole heart.

Father, renew our love for your commandments and our knowledge of you. Teach us your ways, O Lord, listen to our cries, this we pray in the Name of your Son, Jesus, Amen. 

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