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Devotion – Tuesday, 2 February

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watch word for today is taken from the prophecies of Isaiah, Chapter 55 verse 11, “My word shall not return to me empty, but shall accomplish that which I purpose, and succeed in the thing for which I sent it,” (NRSVB). Chapter 55 of the prophet Isaiah’s prophecies is a chapter of joy. It opens with the invitation to come and drink from the waters, all those who are thirsty. Come and be filled with refreshing waters for free! The trees who suffered the droughts will sing and clap their hands and rejoice at the peace that God will bring for those who have suffered in captivity. God will redeem the people and none will be cut off from their God. The word of God is pure creative power, He speaks and His word delivers. God’s word has been spoken by the prophets, disciples and apostles through the ages and many have turned to embrace His word and believe in Him. God’s word is ever working and ever-proclaimed by those whose hearts are stirred up to witness to God’s works throughout history. God will never cease to speak. 

The first words of God written down in Scripture are His words that spoke beauty into chaos and created the universe, earth, creatures and humans. He continued in conversation with His creation. He promised the coming of the Saviour when humans were tempted and fell into disobedience that caused them to have to leave paradise. God gave Adam and Eve commands to obey and the skills to make the earth a place where they could live and enjoy creation by participating in working to keep the soil tilled and to reap the harvest from the earth. God promised that humans will work with Him in order to bring the Saviour, to redeem the world. Jesus was born from the lineage of humans through the work of the Holy Spirit. Just as God spoke into being realities, so did Jesus. He spoke and the eyes of the blind were opened. He spoke and the ears of the deaf heard. He spoke and the lame walked. Jesus spoke from the Cross, and He said, “It is finished,” (John 19 verse 30). Jesus accomplished for us the victory over the power of sin and death on the cross. God’s word will not return to Him empty, for in His Son, the multitudes are saved; saved from fear and doubt, eternal death and condemnation.

Our application verse is taken from the book of Acts, following the arrest of Peter and John after they healed a lame man who was begging for alms at the Temple Gate. They told him that they had no silver or gold to give him, but they will ask that he will walk in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. The man walked and praised God and all those present were overawed and wanted to learn more about the Man of Nazareth who was crucified. The temple leadership put Peter and John in prison. The chief officers of the temple came and demanded by whose authority Peter and John preached. Peter was filled by the Spirit to testify about Jesus Christ. The leadership told them to renounce this name and they will be freed. Peter and John replied that they must obey God more than men. The people were encouraged by the preaching of Peter and John and many turned to Christ despite possible imprisonment at the hands of the temple authorities. These authorities were concerned that the people would rise up against them. So they let the disciple go with a stern warning not to preach in the “Name of Jesus.” However, the people prayed with the disciples to God and asked, “Enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus,” Acts 4 verses 29 to 30, (NIV).  God strengthens the prophetic voice in every age to speak boldly of His works and wonders.

Father we praise you and thank you that you perform miracles in this world, Amen. 

Categories: Daily Devotion