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Devotion – Thursday, 8 April

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from the first book of the Old Testament, Genesis, Chapter 3, verses 9 to 10, “Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?” So Adam said, “I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself,” (NRSVB). Adam hid from God, for he was ashamed. It was not his nakedness that shamed him most, but his disobedience and the knowledge that he gained through it; being that he is vulnerable. Eve suffered the same revelation, after the betrayal through Satan, who took the form of the serpent; she realized that the knowledge she obtained made her aware of her vulnerability and her inability to protect herself against evil. God did not shame Adam or Eve after they acknowledged their disobedience; he explained to them that their disobedience set a whole new order in motion. God covered their nakedness by giving them protective clothing made from hides, which had to be obtained from killing animals. God told them that the state of innocence and the harmonious situation of Paradise had to come to and end. They will need to work the soil and bear children in pain, and this cycle would be repeated until they return to the soil they were formed from. Adam and Eve could not enjoy God’s visible presence, for he became invisible to their eyes, once they had to leave The Garden of Eden. Like Adam and Eve, we are vulnerable people who dwell in the presence of the invisible God. God has become invisible and hidden for us, but we have never become invisible, nor hidden from him. God does not only observe and understand the outside situation of humanity, but is deeply aware of what happens within their hearts, minds and bodies. It is in the mind that ideas are developed; the heart embraces the plans, while the body fulfils these works of human creativity. Nothing is hidden from God, and he waits for the return of all the Adams’ and Eves’ through creation, to be able to enjoy community and communion with their Father in heaven; visibly seeing him, face to face. God continues to call on his children, “Where are you?” Then he comes alongside his children and gives his love, protection and care, guiding them on this journey.

The writer of the Book of Hebrews writes in Chapter 4, verse 13, “Before Him no creature is hidden, but all are naked and laid bare to the eyes of the one to whom we must render and account,” (NRSVB). There are strong creatures hiding in the forest, needing to catch their prey in order to survive. Even these strong animals are vulnerable and fall sooner or later, becoming prey, instead of predator. Human beings have been given the amazing ability to see the vulnerabilities in humans and animals, and instead of exploiting it, being able to cover it and bring harmony and peaceful cohabitation. Animals with young show their deep understanding of the vulnerability of their little ones; some are even born naked, and in the nest grow feathers and pelt. God covers us with his hand and does not lay bare our nakedness and flaws, but restores us to have dignity and purpose. However, our life is an inventory of how we deal with the world that he has given us to grow in and sustain. Ultimately, it is only to him that we will have to reveal our hidden agendas and secret desires. Hidden agendas and secret desires do not have to be detrimental to those around us, in order to fulfil our needs. God allows good desires and plans of humans to come to fruition as they work at helping the vulnerable, the sick, the poor, standing in the gap, bringing God’s children to him in intercession. Christ became vulnerable on the Cross for us, his kingly station and his power became invisible and hidden, but his love shone through his crucifixion death, to reveal resurrection life. 

Father, we thank you that you dress our vulnerability with your garment of faith, Amen.  

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