Devotion – Thursday, 22 April

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm 34 verse 5, “Those who look to the Lord are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame,” (NRSVB). The word radiant brings to mind the beauty of the sun, a beauty that is reflected on the earth and by the moon. Sometimes the sunlight is so bright and dazzling that the human eye cannot look at this light without the help of a shield to diffuse the glare of the magnificent rays. The light is so bright that it is blinding. Blinding light sounds like an oxymoron, for light is supposed to help sight and lift darkness. In the language of scripture the radiance of the sun is a reflection of the radiance, beauty and truth of God. Human eyes cannot behold God; it is only through spiritual eyes that we can see the beauty and glory of God reflected around us, as well as, in the children of God. David states in Psalm 34 that God’s radiance is life-giving and reflects on the faces of those who are looking for God, as the one who would save them. Their faces would not be clouded by despair, but would light up with the joy of receiving God’s grace and his deliverance in their times of trouble and need. God will not allow his children, who hopefully wait on his help, to be ashamed. He will not crush their hope, but he will surely deliver them, so that they will be radiant with joy. When Moses went up the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments, he spent time with the Lord. The radiance of the presence of the Lord made Moses’ face shine with such brilliance that the people could not look at him for their physical eyes could not stand the glare of this radiance. Moses was not aware of the change in his appearance, but at the request of the people he veiled his face, so that their eyes would not be hurt by the radiance of his complexion. God’s presence changes people. One can gaze at the light of the moon, the lesser light, the light that reflects the radiance of the bright light of the sun.  

Precious stones, created deep in the belly of the earth, in the darkness of the soil and rocks, reflect the beauty within them only when they are exposed to light. They have hidden within radiance, but it is only reflected once they come into the light. Hidden within the children of God are his precious gifts of grace, faith and love. When the light of his life is shone, then his children reflect the radiance of the hope and promises that God has foretold. Jesus Christ is the Light of the World; He is the One who shines with the radiance of the sun. He is the Son and Sun of Righteousness. When Jesus was transfigured on the Mount, his disciples saw the radiant appearance of the Lord, and they were given a glimpse of the dazzling light of heaven. However, before the radiance of the Lord is reflected on the faces of his children, they have to spend time with Him, to absorb this light. Light drives away darkness. The light of understanding drives away the darkness of misunderstanding and ignorance. In the First Letter to the Corinthians in Chapter 13, verse 12, we read, “For now we are looking in a mirror that gives a dim reflection of reality as in a riddle, but then when perfection comes, we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part, but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly,” (Amplified Bible).  When we look at Jesus on the Cross, we can see him in his love for us. We can stare at him and not look away, for he was lifted up on the Cross for us to behold and to believe, so that we can be healed. When Jesus comes again, he will be dazzling in his appearance and our eyes will be able to behold him in his radiance. Now here on earth, people see Jesus reflected in us if we display his love, faith and hope.

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer,” Romans 12 verse 12, (NRSVB). The glittering jewel in the life of God’s children is that they love one another and care for the people of the world by carrying their suffering while uttering prayers.

Father, we thank you for the radiance of Your Son who brings light and life. Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion