dice, macro, game

Devotion – Saturday, 13 March

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 18 verse 33, “The lot is cast into the lap, but the decision is the Lord’s alone,” (NRSVB). The Amplified Bible states as a comment on this verse “even the events that seem accidental are really ordered by God.” The practices of casting the lot or rolling the dice have been developed to settle matters in a manner as not to unfairly advantage or disadvantage those who are to benefit from the situation that is to be settled in this fashion. When Jesus was dying on the Cross, the soldiers were casting the lot. They were choosing who would benefit by receiving his outer, finely woven-garment. We read in the Gospel accounts that people wanted just to touch the hem of the garment of the Lord!   While Jesus attained for us life-everlasting and freedom from condemnation, people were still preoccupied with the material, physical benefits that they could gain, forfeiting the spiritual gift. For the soldiers, and many of the on-lookers at the scene of the crucifixion, there was not much difference to any other crucifixion that they witnessed, initially, as the condemned men were hammered to their crosses. A certain callousness and distance must prevail in order to be able to exercise such violence towards the condemned. However, when Jesus called, “It is finished,” the earth shook, darkness descended and the temple curtain was torn in two! After this event the world was completely changed.  This was not an act done on the whim of rulers and leaders, but the wisdom of God. Even the roll of a dice and the casting of the lot have to obey the natural laws of physics of the created world. God controls the mechanisms that sustain the world and her people. Our human words and concepts do not have the correct form of expression to adequately describe his awesome power and complexities. This God is our God! He came to dwell on earth and be amongst us, and he is just as present now as he was then, ready to come to our aid. Our lives and plans are not in our hands, but in the caring hands of our all-knowing God.

The Apostle James wrote, “You ought to say: If the Lord wishes, we will live and do this or that,” (James 4 verse 5). The people of the world use much of their energy to plan and re-plan. Individuals and organizations are asked for their short-term and long-term plans and forecasts, and endless time is devoted to pre-planning, calendar-keeping and diarizing. Planning is necessary, but planning in our own power, without giving thought to the will of God, cannot reap lasting benefits. Many plans seem to be grand schemes to see how to derive maximum benefit with minimal input, benefitting a select few. God’s economy is an upside-down economy where those who have received little and have suffered much, will be rewarded with blessings, ultimately. Those who filled their store-houses at the expense of others will experience the emptiness and futility of gathering only for personal benefit. The manna that fell daily, needed to be collected daily, no hoarding was allowed, for the earth and its bounty are for all to share. We need to bring each and every one of our plans, be it large or small, and hold it up to the mirror of God’s wisdom, asking if our plans are in-line with God’s will. God will bless those who plan with his economy in mind: the equal sharing of God’s bounty. God uses those who work according to his plans and purposes to bring about positive change and responsible practices. Let us come to the Lord and bring our plans to him and ask his will to prevail. He will open the doors that we have to enter and close those doors that will cause our plans to move out of line with his will. God’s will is that we should enjoy peaceful living that is a product of harmony in mind and purpose, bringing about good outcomes for all! 

Our Father, guide the work of those praying for your peace, truth and hope for all. Amen. 

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