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Devotion – Saturday, 01 May

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

The watchword for the month of May reads, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves for the right of all who are destitute,” Proverbs 31 verse 8. These words were given as instruction to King Lumuel of Massa by his mother. In her teaching to her son she encouraged him to be a king who would care for his people. This king would use his power in order to bring hope and deliverance for those in his kingdom who were on the fringes. The world would be a different place if all those in power would stand up and right the wrongs and protect those who cannot defend themselves. However, we are seeing different scenarios enfolding, high-lighting the plight of those who have no voice. We feel helpless and overwhelmed by the need that we see in the world. We do not know how to bring the change about that will bring hope and well-being for all. Jesus taught us that his Father will give us daily bread. He will bring about his will on this earth. Our part in this work is to continue to pray, to pray without ceasing, and call on the Lord, pleading his mercy and grace. God will give us opportunities to become the hands of Jesus to those around us in meaningful ways. We cannot change the world through mere charity. The world can only change through prayer pointing to the love of Jesus for a weary world. 

The watchword for today is taken from Psalm 9 verse 18, “For the needy shall not always be forgotten, and the expectation and hope of the meek and the poor shall not perish forever,” (Amplified Bible). In this Psalm David describes God’s care. His compassion is manifested as the hopes of those who were in need, are satisfied. Their longings have been granted by the Lord and their hope was not put to shame. They have cause to rejoice and praise the Lord with their whole hearts. Many are the needs of humans, and often the needs of the heart become so painful, that these needs overshadow the needs of the body. People are in need of acceptance and forgiveness. People are in need of someone to understand their pain and longings. People are in need of comfort and consolation. People are in need of a friend who can draw them out of their lonely lives that seem to continue to bring more and more cares and woes as the days pass. Looking around to find the perfect person to fill the every growing need of life will bring disillusion. No-one is able to fulfil human needs adequately. God has created us with a longing for him. When we come to him, he gives us his peace and hope. This peace quietens the longings that we cannot express. It fills us with our promised daily bread. God gives us new courage and lights up the path so that we can become a friend to someone who is in need of acceptance and understanding.  “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth,” Jesus taught. The meek are those who gently wait and care about others around them. God will not forget them. He will give them not only an inheritance on earth, but the inheritance of life-everlasting, in heaven. 

Jesus told the parable of a man who invited many guests to a great banquet. When the appointed time came, the invited guests all had an excuse for not attending the wonderful banquet that was prepared for them. The man was surprised that the invited guests declined the invitation. However, as the table was laid and ready for a feast, he said to his servant, “Go out at once into the streets and lanes of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame,” (Luke 14 verse 21). At God’s table is space for all, everyone is invited and each one has the opportunity to enjoy the gift of God’s love and care. He calls, “Come to me all who are weary and heavy-laden.” 

Father, you have invited and called all to come to feast with you, thank you, Lord, Amen.   

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