Devotion – Monday, 8 February

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of Judges, Chapter 5 verse 31, “O Lord, may they who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength,” (NIV). This verse is taken from the hymn that Deborah and Barak sang following the victory over Sisera, the army captain of King Jabin, a Canaanite king who oppressed Israel for twenty years. At that time Deborah was the prophetess in Israel. She ruled as judge, listening to disputes from underneath a palm-tree set-up between Ramah and Bethel. She was respected and revered for her counsel. Israelites came from far afield to ask her to deliberate and take decisions regarding their matters. One day Deborah called Barak, a brave warrior, and told him to gather troops from Naphtali and Zebulon and declare war against Sisera at Mount Tabor, for God has revealed to her that He has heard Israel’s cries and will give Sisera and his army in Barak’s hand. Barak stated that he would call the army together, but he would not enter into battle unless Deborah would come with him, for she was respected by the people and her presence would give the army courage. She agreed to come with Barak, but told him that he would have to forfeit the honour and glory of winning the battle; for a woman would be honoured with the victory.

Barak was willing to forgo the honour of being assigned the victory, as long as he knew that the victory would be Israel’s, (he possibly thought that Deborah would be honoured). During the battle the entire army of Sisera was conquered and killed, but he escaped and tried to get away on foot. As he passed the tent of a woman, Jael, she went out to meet him and told him not to be afraid, but to rest. While he was resting in her tent she killed Sisera by pegging a tent-pen in his temple. Barak came towards the tent in pursuit of Sisera and Jael called him and showed him that his fiercest opponent was dead; slain by this brave woman. For Barak, attaining victory for Israel, was not about personal glory, but that God would receive glory and Israel would be freed from oppression. In the histories of Israel these two women, Deborah and Jael, are praised and magnified for the part that they bravely played in God’s plan of victory for Israel. Barak joyously sang a praise song with Deborah, rejoicing in these women, giving God glory. God hears the cries of the people. The Sun of God’s righteousness rose over Israel as God was praised by two valiant women, Barak, the troops and the people for the unusual military victory of Israel over her enemies. 

Our application verse is taken from Jesus’ High Priestly prayer. One is challenged to bring these two very different histories to converse with one another. “Jesus prayed: The glory that you have given me I have given them,” John 17 verse 22, (NRSVB). Jesus prayed to His Father shortly before his arrest in the garden. In this prayer He asked God to reflect the glory of God’s salvation plan for all, through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. This would be God’s glorification: the plan that God pronounced in Genesis Three in the Garden of Eden, would be completed. Death and evil on earth would be vanquished through his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus’ glorification was a glorification unlike any other. It was the lifting up on the Cross, to die for all, so that all may win the battle against the evil one; all who believe that Christ died for them. Jesus prayed to his Father to protect His disciples, those brave men who brought His message to the world. These are those given by God as Christ’s own, whom received His glory. He prayed that they would taste ultimate glorification in heaven through their ministering, believing their Master and seeing His glory. Lastly Jesus prayed for those believing in Him in the future, this includes us. He prayed that all believers will be glorified in resurrection life with Him in heaven. 

Father, we thank you for Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness, our glorious Lord, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion