Devotion – Monday, 4 January 2021

Dear Readers, Friends in Jesus Christ

Our watch word for today is taken from Deuteronomy 5: 29, “Oh, that they had such a [mind and] heart in them always [reverently] to fear Me and keep all My commandments, that it might go well with them and with their children forever,” (Amp Bible). The background to this verse is situated in Moses calling the Israelites together and reminding them how God made his covenant with them at Mount Horeb. They were too afraid to ascend the mountain, due to the fire that God used to conceal himself. Moses stood between the people and God on the mountain, and received God’s instructions regarding the way that they should live life in the Promised Land. Moses is summarizing the laws of God to the Israelites and reminds them of their fear of the awesome God, speaking from the darkness, while the mountain was burning with fire, and their reluctance to come closer to God, “for they were afraid!” God, despite the misinterpretations of humans, longs to have a close relationship with humans. He desires to bless them. God enjoyed a close relationship with Adam and came to speak to him in the cool of the evening. God gave his laws in the hearts of humans at their creation. When Adam realized that he disobeyed God’s law, he was afraid, and hid away in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3: 8-10). Moses did not hide away from God, for he came face to face with God, when he investigated the miracle of the burning bush (Ex 3: 14). From then on, God was working in Moses, to become God’s representative on earth. God revealed himself to Moses as the steadfast and loving God, full of tender mercy and loving kindness, desiring to lead people out of captivity, into freedom and life!

Moses’ trust relationship with God was built through the years he spent alone in the desert herding sheep. It culminated in Moses’ leading the Israelites through the desert, under God’s guidance, to freedom and new life in the Promised Land. God’s miraculous outcomes for his people, under the guidance of leaders who are not afraid to dwell with God, leaders who respectfully fear God’s commandments, is the story of God dwelling with and among us. Mercy is at the heart of his plan for all, a plan that will benefit each generation. This plan culminated in Jesus Christ, who came to fulfil the laws of Moses to the utmost. The triumph, when Christ comes again, will seal the victory of God’s love. This in-between time is not of time of “being afraid” and hiding from God. This is the time of coming boldly to his throne, standing as a witness to God’s love. “This is my beloved Son, in whom I delight!” (Matt 3:17) was said from the clouds by God when he saw his Son being baptised. God was pleased with Jesus’ reverential fear of the commandments that God gave Moses. Moses heard and interpreted God’s word to the people. Jesus is the Word of God, the walking, talking, living and loving “I-am, with you”, do not be afraid!

The writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews states: “Do not be carried away by different and varied and alien teachings; for it is good for the heart to be established and ennobled and strengthened by means of grace,” Hebrews 13:9 (Amp Bible). God’s heart is love and his acts are to benefit humans and creation. It is a foreign and alien teaching to believe anything that turns us away from believing that God loves us and is for us, his creation.

Father, your heart aches when we walk on roads that will lead to destruction. You never give up on your children. Your love reinstated your disciple, Peter, after he turned his back in fear and ran away. We come to you and thank you that you do not leave us alone in the desert, but you come to us in clouds by day and fire by night, to protect us. You call us by Name, for we are yours, your beloved children! Thank you, Father, God. Amen.

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