Devotion – Monday, 3 May

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ

Our watchword for today is taken from the Second Book of the Prophet Samuel, Chapter 22, verses 19 and 20, “The Lord was my support. He also brought me out into a broad place,” (NKJV). This prayer of David has been collected in the Books of Samuel, recounting David’s psalm to the Lord, after he was delivered out of the hands of King Saul. Saul waged war against David, dividing the Israelites into two camps, those for David and those against David. Saul’s fierce hatred towards David was kindled because the Prophet Samuel told King Saul that the Lord rejected him as king over Israel, due to his disobedience, and chose David to take his place. Saul thought that he would take matters into his own hands and persecuted David and tried to kill him. We are told of an event where David and his men took refuge by entering a cave, moving very deep into this cave, to find protection. King Saul came into the cave and removed some of his garments and went to rest. David’s men were assured that they could now slay the enemy, but David made them promise not to touch the “anointed of God,” namely king Saul. David moved towards the garments of the king and cut off a piece. When King Saul arose and left the cave, David moved out towards the front of the cave and bowed and called to the King. He told Saul not to believe the words of those who said that David wanted the life of King Saul, for surely it would have been easy to slay the king, right there and then. David showed Saul the piece of the garment that he cut off the robe of the king. King Saul told David, “You have declared today how you have dealt well with me; for if a man finds his enemy, will he let him go away unharmed? May the Lord reward you with good for what you have done for me this day,” (First Book of Samuel, Chapter 24 verses 19 and 20). Despite David’s loyalty to King Saul and his efforts not to divide Israel into two war-faring camps, Saul continued to try to kill David. In a fierce battle the Philistines killed King Saul’s sons, wounded his armour bearers and killed many Israelite soldiers. King Saul decided to fall in his own sword, as not to fall in the hands of the enemy. When David heard of the death of King Saul and his sons, David called for a time of mourning over the death of Saul, his sons and the slain soldiers. The war between the House of Saul and the House of David ended. David was chosen to be king by the people, just as the prophet Samuel promised many years before. God brought David out of the narrow prison of war and confinement into a big and broad space and gave him the kingdom of Israel and peace in the latter part of his reign. 

David was anointed by Samuel as king over Israel years before he became king. In this time he had terrible obstacles to overcome, many wars to fight and lived through many dangerous situations. David was prepared to wait for God to appoint him as king over Israel and not to take matters into his own hands. In this school of many years of trials and fire he wrote some of the finest poetry which is still sung and read today. Not only has God enlarged David’s kingdom, but God allowed David, through his writings, songs, psalms and prayers to leave a great legacy for believers. The psalms sustain believers and ground them in the sure knowledge of God’s care and comfort in the most dangerous of times.  

Today marks a special celebration in the history of spreading the word of God across the world. On this day, May the Third, of seventeen twenty eight, Count von Zinzendorf started giving daily watchwords to the community in Bohemia, the Hernnhut community. The count invited those who were displaced in the war to resettle. Out of this community the Moravian church rose to bring to the world, every year, a collection of daily watchwords. This collection is used in many religious communities throughout the world, translated in many languages and applied to encourage believers. Count von Zinzendorf felt God’s calling on his life and started to spread the Gospel by giving a verse of God’s word daily to those who were with him. When God calls and we listen He rewards our listening with a legacy to grow the faith of believers. “Jesus saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him: Follow me! And he got up, and followed him,” Matthew 9 verse 9, (NRSVB).  Matthew left the perks of the tax booth and followed Jesus, for he heard His call. Jesus calls each and everyone to share the joy of the Gospel.

Father, thank you that we are called, there where we are, and promised new life with you. Amen.   

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