candle, prayer, religion

Devotion – Monday, 26 April

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Zechariah, Chapter 14 verse 7, “It shall be one day – that is known to the Lord, neither day nor night. But at evening time it shall happen that it will be light,” (NKJV). Zechariah prophesied to the people who came out of the Babylonian Captivity, those who were rebuilding Jerusalem and the Temple of the Lord. He prophesied that “not by might, but by the Spirit of God,” there will be continuous light and all darkness will disappear, once, at the time when the Lord God will reign in the New Jerusalem. Part of the understanding of the tradition of the Temple of the Lord, was that the lights or lamps on the Altar will always be burning as a testimony to the presence of the Lord. In a vision Zechariah saw two olive trees standing next to the altar, giving continuous oil to keep the lamps burning. This is a symbol of the peace of the Lord work of the Spirit, nourishing the community of the temple. God is the One who promises the light of his presence in this world and in the places of worship in the world. Where God is praised and worshipped, he is present. The smallest ray of light can break the darkest surroundings. When God’s light is shining over us, our understanding is opened to see his word and work, revealed in the new light that he brings. Finally, the sun and the moon would not be the light sources, for the presence of the Lord will light up the dark and break through; testifying to the glory, power and kingdom of the Lord. Zechariah encouraged the captives to restore the temple and the city and to keep on waiting on the Lord, for he will be their light and refuge. We are also encouraged to continue, even in these times of uncertainty and turmoil, to seek the light of understanding and to come into the presence of the Lord with thanksgiving. God enters the chambers of our hearts and lights up our despair. He gives us the oil of praise and speaks new life to our weary minds and souls. The darkness that hangs over the world in these times will lift, and we will see the silver lining in the clouds. Whether we can worship together, or have to stay in isolation, God breaks through the walls of loneliness and self-isolation. He shines his light of love, promising a new day. 

“This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all,” wrote the Apostle John in his first letter, in Chapter One verse 5. When we are scared, feeling as if we have been enfolded by deep darkness, the smallest little light gives hope. Then we see that our fears are only shadows, they disappear as the light of God shines. He brings us to a new place of understanding and clarity. The darkness around us is not as dangerous as the darkness inside of us. Our hearts and minds grow dark in times of fear and anxiety, our thoughts get clouded and our senses are overwhelmed. God comes to us through his messengers, his words in scripture. He breaks open the morning, and through the Holy Spirit within us, and we receive his light. He is the God reigning over darkness and light. He called out of the darkness and chaos, “Let there be light,” and the darkness listened and light broke through. When our plans are frustrated and our hope is low, we hear God’s voice calling, “Do not be afraid!” Sometimes we have to be locked up in a room of darkness for a little while, so that our eyes can rest and our souls be nourished in the rich dark soil. When we come from darkness into the light, we see with renewed awe and wonder that the Lord was there in the darkness. Christ is the Light of the world and he shines on in the darkness and the darkness will never over-power him, (John 1 verse 5). 

Father, you come and lift the clouds of darkness that draw us to despair. You quieten our fears and hold us in your hand. We are protected by the light of your love, Amen. 

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