Devotion – Monday, 15 March

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Daniel, Chapter 3 verses 17 to 18, “Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of the blazing fire; and he will deliver us. But even if he does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image,” (NASB). Nebuchadnezzar, the king, had great faith in the leadership of the exiled Jew, Daniel, and appointed him to a high position in the Babylonian Provinces. Daniel asked the king to appoint his three friends to these positions, as Daniel wanted to serve the king at his court. The king found this request in order, and under the leadership of Daniel’s three friends, the provinces were well administered. Nebuchadnezzar had a large golden image of himself made. It was announced that the citizens had to come together to behold this golden statue. At the sound of the announcement, played loudly on many instruments, all had to fall down and worship this image. The three friends came to the dedication of the statue as they were instructed, but did not fall down and worship it. They were reported to the king by the Chaldean administrators. The king came to the three Jewish administrators stating that they will be given another chance to fall down and worship the statue, once the musicians announce the beginning of the worship. The answer to the king was that he need not repeat this worshipping exercise. They will not worship the image, because they worship the God of Israel. The king raged and ordered that the three men be thrown into the furnace. The flames were so hot that the people perished who threw the men in the furnace. Sadrach, Mesach and Abednego walked around in the furnace and a fourth person appeared with them in the flames. Everyone was shocked and amazed to see that the fire did not consume the three men and that there were four men visible. The king ordered them out of the furnace. They came out of the fire and did not sustain any injuries; they did not even smell of smoke! The king was forced to admit that the God of Israel is the true God. Nebuchadnezzar’s power cannot be compared to God’s. 

Daniel’s three friends knew that they would rather lose their lives, than betray their God. Their faith in God’s supreme rule and his ultimate good outcome for them sustained them to face death. They came through this certain death sentence alive. What had happened to them was a testimony to the power and the righteousness of God, for all over the provinces the story of the faithful administrators was told, and God of Israel was praised. Humans are not able to withstand the evil plans that are made against those who worship God. It is only God who can defend his children and bring them through the valley of death, and put them in a place of honour at the banquet table. Sadrach, Mesach and Abednego were sure about their God. They knew that God would bring them to the place where God needed them to witnesses of his name.  They must have been nervous, but not fearful about their faith. For, if they would have had to die, they would be with the Lord and if they would have had to live, they would live with the Lord.  Some scholars explain that the fourth person in the furnace was no other than “the LORD,” Christ, “He who was, who is and who shall be”, who walked with them through the fire.  

Peter and John were preaching after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and many people were converted. The army came with the Temple authorities, but could not bring charges against the disciples for proclaiming the risen Lord. “We cannot keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard,” Acts 4 verse 20. God protects his witnesses.

Let we face our trials fearlessly and tell of Your love and the work of Your Son, Amen.  

Categories: Daily Devotion