basilica of the holy sepulchre, jerusalem, israel

Devotion – Monday, 12 April

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, Chapter 33 verse 9, “And this city, Jerusalem, shall be to me a name of joy, a praise and a glory before all the nations of the earth who shall hear of all the good that I do for them,” (NRSVB). The city of Jerusalem was the crowning glory of the cities of Judah and Israel, for the temple of the Lord was built in Jerusalem. Three times a year the people would joyfully pilgrimage to worship God in the temple in Jerusalem. The priests of the Lord kept the oil lamps lit day and night and the altar was dressed with the show bread. The House of the Lord in Jerusalem presented to the people the constant presence of the Lord and his glory and abundance of grace and blessing. Jerusalem represented the centre of worship. Jeremiah was given a vision from the Lord informing the people that the city would be destroyed, the temple laid in ruins, the people taken into captivity, and worship, religious unity and joy in the temple would be a far-off memory. However, because of God’s love for Jerusalem and what she represents, namely his presence, justice and blessing, she would be restored: “In those days Judah shall be saved and Jerusalem shall dwell safely,” (Jeremiah 33 verse 16). When Jesus Christ died outside the city gates of Jerusalem, the city Jerusalem became the place of mercy and grace. This grace was not only for the Jews at the mercy seat of the altar in the temple, but also for the Gentiles, at the mercy seat of the Cross. Our final and future home is in the city of Jerusalem, the City of God, where the lion and the lamb will peacefully eat together and the children of God will not have pain, sorrow or tears. In the New Jerusalem we will see God face to face. Jesus died just outside the city gates of Jerusalem for us, so that we will live within the city gates of the New Jerusalem, praising the Lord God, the Father of Jesus Christ, our Messiah.  

The Gospel writer wrote in Luke’s Gospel Chapter 2 verses 29 to 32, “Lord; you are releasing your servant to depart in peace according to Your word. For with my own eyes I have seen Your Salvation, which you have ordained and prepared before all people; a Light to disclose, for revelation, to the gentiles, what was before unknown, and praise and honour and glory to your people, Israel,” (Amplified Bible). Simeon was learned in Scripture and carefully observed the Law of the Lord. He received confirmation from the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he would, personally, see the Lord Jesus, the Consolation of Israel. Simeon was prompted by the Holy Spirit to enter the Temple in Jerusalem, and there he saw the baby Jesus, with his parents, coming to be dedicated in the Temple. Immediately he knew that this was the Messiah and he prayed to God and told him that he was ready to depart to his heavenly home, for here in the Temple of the Lord, he had seen the Son of God, the Messiah, just as he was promised. Our modern day churches and houses of the Lord are places where we meet Jesus and receive his word and sacraments and share in communion and community with the believers through the ages. We await the promise of the restoration of the House of the Lord, when all nations will come and praise our Lord, Jesus Christ, as he comes again to reign in glory. Our salvation was wrought for us in Israel, on the Cross, outside the City Gates of Jerusalem; this is the city of our redemption! Like the righteous Simeon, who found his Consolation in the Temple, God will bring consolation to us when we come to his Word and seek him between the pages of his revelation, and in the houses built to his honour and glory. He meets us there where we receive the Word, the Water, the Bread and Wine.

Father God, we thank you for creating the New Jerusalem through your Son.  Amen.  

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