mustard, seeds, pepper

Devotion – Monday, 1 February

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for the month of February is taken from the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 10 verse 20, “Rejoice that your names are enrolled (written up) in heaven,” (Amplified Bible). Jesus’ disciple and other co-workers came to Him being over-awed at the miracles of healing that they could do when He sent them out to minister to the people. Jesus explained to them that the truest joy is the joy to know that their names were written in the Book of Heaven, the Book of Life. When the Israelites were disobedient in the desert Moses came to God and interceded for them. God announced to him that he can rejoice despite this temporary falling back of the Israelites, his name, as their leader, was written up in the Book of Heaven, (Exodus 32 verse 32). Daniel, after months of fasting and praying, being extremely concerned regarding the plight of the Jews in Babylon, was assured by the angelic vision that his name was written up in the Book of Heaven. God would still make true his promises of blessings to the nation of Israel, (Daniel 12 verse 13). The Apostle John in his First Epistle writes in Chapter 3 verse one, “See what an incredible quality of love the Father has given and bestowed on us; that we should and are permitted to be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are!” This is our comfort and consolation, our names are written in the Book of Heaven. 

The watch word for today is taken from Genesis Chapter 18 verse 41, “Is anything too hard of too wonderful for the Lord?” The heroes of faith, Abraham and Sarah, trusted the Lord. They left the country where they lived and set out with God to a new country and to the promise that their off-springs would be as numerous as the sand on the shore and the stars in the sky. For Sarah this promise was starting the fade as she felt her body dead and her hopes dashed. Three angels came to enjoy their hospitality and reaffirmed the promise. She laughed to herself, should she now have the joy of her own child? But the Lord addressed her saddened heart and promised that what is humanly impossible; is possible for God. A year later she held Isaac in her arms. God has planned and ordained miracles to occur in the lives of people and nations. He will fulfil these promises through His mighty power and unfailing words. God’s words are to be trusted through all generations and to be applied to all situations. Nothing is too wonderful for the Lord to accomplish; nothing is too difficult or too hard for Him.

“The apostles said to the Lord: Increase our faith!” Luke 17 verse 5. Jesus was teaching His disciples and warned them that there will always be trials and temptations luring them to fall away from their faith. He taught them that they should be patient with each other in all matters, including matters of faith. They should forgive each other whole-heartedly each time the other asks for forgiveness, just as God forgives each time He is asked forgiveness. Like Jesus’ disciples we need our faith to increase. We are promised that God increases our faith as He gives us His grace. Our faith is renewed daily. A mustard seed is a tiny seed but becomes a large tree. So it is with faith: a tiny spark of faith is enough to move mountains. We have to take God on His word: nothing is too hard for Him. He will bring to pass the good promises He promised, and we will praise Him. 

Father, we thank you that you come to us in times of fear and doubt. You remind us that nothing is impossible for you. You are the One who creates faith in us and you are the One who grows our faith daily through your grace. We thank you that you see us as your children, brothers and sisters to your Son, Jesus. Our names are written in the Book of Life and your promises are spoken over us. We pray to you in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

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