Devotion – Friday, 9 April

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 43, verse 1, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine,” (NRSVB).  The words of the prophet Isaiah, spoken in Chapter 43, are prophetic words foretelling of the time of redemption that will come to the nation of Israel and Judah, they who are the children of Jacob. This promise of God is for the nation that he had chosen. They are called to come fearlessly back to their Lord, he who will protect them from the power of the rushing waters, as he did when Israel crossed the Red Sea. Despite the fall away from the Lord, Israel is precious in the Lord’s sight. He will redeem her and bring her to safety and call all those who have been taken captive to return to Jerusalem jubilantly. For the prophet Isaiah, this verse carried a personal message. He, as the prophet of the Lord, called to bring Israel to repentance, need not fear the rulers or the people, for the Lord will sustain him and give him boldness to preach of the restoration and return of the exiles to their land. When we read the Old Testament we need to read it with a view of the gospel that is encased in the verses we are studying. We can appropriate this verse for ourselves, individually. This is the gospel that God wants us to hear, that he knows each one of us by name, and he will sustain us, we need not be afraid. He has redeemed us through the life and death of his Son. Jesus paid the ransom on the cross for us. We are brought and back to God who paid our ransom in full, we therefore belong entirely to him. 

In Psalm One Hundred and eighteen verse 6, we read, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me,” (Amplified Bible). This is God’s assurance to his children, that no-one can snatch his children from his hand. The Apostle Paul states, “If God is for us, who can be against us,” (Romans 8 verse 31). Nobody is able to stand against God; therefore nobody will be able to challenge and take faith away from God’s children, for he protects them. No enemy can rob us of the promise that is given through Christ’s death and resurrection to those who believe. In times of great calamity and terrors in the world, we are promised that God’s love is so great that nothing can separate us from this love. Despite being people of the flesh, we have died with Christ, and have taken on his life in our earthly bodies, in order to become more like him. We are the branches staying in the Vine; we cannot live without the sustaining food that we receive through the Life, Love and Light of Christ. God has sent the Holy Spirit to us who “comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer, nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable earnings and groanings too deep for utterances. We are therefore assured and know that all things work together and are fitting into a plan for good for those who love God,” Romans 8 verses 26 and 27, (Amplified Bible).  This is our hope, the promised hope of our salvation. We are given the Holy Spirit who speaks on our behalf and brings our prayers to God, pleading on our behalf with the spiritual language of heaven. When Jesus uttered, “It is finished,” the Lord’s deep cry was heard throughout heaven and earth. We are regenerated and have received this new Spirit, as if new breath was blown into our nostrils. We have received this gift of redemption and can live fearlessly, for no-one can stand against us, for God is with us. He is the Lord who called us by Name!

Father, we thank you. You have called us by name and have given us your name. We are children of God, heirs to your kingdom and brothers and sisters to our Lord, Amen.   

Categories: Daily Devotion