Devotion – Friday, 22 January

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watch word for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Hosea, Chapter
Three verse five, “The Israelites will return and seek the Lord their God. They will
come trembling to the Lord and to his blessings in the last days,” (NIV). The prophet
Hosea prophesied in Israel, whom he referred to as Ephraim. Scholars state that he
started his ministry before Jeroboam the Third died in 753 BC. It seems that his
messages were published shortly before the Fall of Samaria in 722 to 721 BC. He
kept on calling Israel back to the Lord her God. He pleaded with the people not to
reject to word of the Lord and his ordinances. He warned that the comfortable lives
that they were living were blessing from God.

However, they returned these blessings of food and abundance into practices where God’s blessings were sacrificed on idol altars. Despite Israel’s unfaithfulness, their habits of corruption and injustices, mistreatment of others and the taking of bribes, God called the leaders
and the citizens back to Him. He said that he will forgive their unfaithfulness and
establish a new covenant with them. Hosea’s warnings were not heeded and foreign
kingdoms conquered Samaria, the main temple city of the Northern Kingdom (Israel,)
in 722 BC. Hosea’s prophecy relates to the return of the captives to Israel, which
happened in 538 BC. Even though the rulers did not believe that Samaria would fall
and they continued to live lives that led to the captivity of the nation, ultimately, Israel
was restored back to the land. The story of Israel is a story of the world. History does
not change. Various voices call from the global pulpit and speak up against the
practices of the current world powers and institutions, but it seems as if the
messages are unheeded. God is the God who turns calamity around. He never
forgets the people whom he created. His heart awaits their return, trembling like a
dove, eager to be restored to him in peace. God never forgets his covenant. When
the world is able to work together, without hidden agendas, there will be peace and
abundance for all. However, perfect peace is only to be found when people can
humble themselves and correct their ways: turning to their Maker who waits to bless
the trembling nations.

The Apostle Paul states, “It is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will
and to work for his good pleasure,” in Philippians 2 verse 13. We are given the
power to change things on earth through our prayers and works towards peace and
justice. God is honoured when fairness, freedom and joyful living are strived for. We
do not have to be anxious about life in heaven. We know we will enjoy unspeakable
joy and peace there. It is about life on earth that Christians need to be concerned.
Our prayers and work need to focus on bringing about changes that will reflect God’s
good will for all people. God sends his warnings and waits for positive reactions in
recognising the needs of others, and accepting his laws. When we do not
acknowledge the abundance of God’s grace and gifts, and do not share these, we
are squandering precious gifts in the temples of injustice, greed and corruption. Our
individual voices are soft, but they are powerful when they are coming together to
God in prayer, seeking to work for his kingdom on earth. This kingdom on earth will
be a reflection of the Kingdom of Heaven. As we go about our daily lives, let us
remember that the deep yearnings in us, yearnings to seek and want to do what is
honouring to God and our neighbours, are given to us by God. His loving-kindness
reaches across the world to sustain, heal and bless the people of all the nations.

Father God, we thank you that you create within us the will and the ability to follow
your commandment of love for one another to work towards each others good.
Father, bring Your peace beyond understanding to your world. This we pray, in
Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion