nature, plant, apple

Devotion – Friday, 15 January 2021

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ

Our watchword is taken from Genesis 3: 6, “The woman took of its fruit and ate; and gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate,” (NRSVB). The serpent was truly crafty in his approach to Eve. He asked her a question that he knew was going to gain a reaction from her. He said that he could not believe that God demanded that they may not eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden. Immediately Eve contradicted the serpent and said, “No, we can eat of all the trees of the garden, it is only the one in the middle, which we may not touch, for if we do, then we will surely die,” (Genesis 3:3). 

Eve actually defended God’s ordinance by explaining God’s command to the serpent. However, the serpent planted a new thought in her mind and the seed grew quickly in her heart, the seed of doubt. His suggestion made her doubt God’s good intentions and God’s spoken truths. The serpent told her that they will not die if they eat the fruit, but they will become wise. They will know “good from evil.” Eve desired to have knowledge more than what she desired to trust and obey God’s words and commands. 

She reasoned with herself. The tree looked beautiful, the fruit looked delicious and the thought of being wise was desirable. She made a decision and picked the fruit, ate it and shared it with her husband. The result was not what she had anticipated. Eve and Adam realized that they were naked! They were uncovered and discovered. The serpent thought that humans might fall for temptation, but he was not sure. Now he knew that they were easily tempted, he was delighted, and he has been tempting them ever since.

We cannot stand against the Evil One and reason with him, for he is too crafty for us. God’s love and His covering of grace and mercy, through the blood of Jesus, protect us. We are always in mortal and spiritual danger. The knowledge Eve received made her ashamed of her and Adam’s human condition. Disobedience to God causes us to hide away from God for deeds we have done in contradiction with his will. We hide, as Eve and Adam hid away in the garden, realizing that the trust relationship has been broken.  

Jesus said on the Cross, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing,” (Luke 23:34). This prayer to God, spoken by Jesus from the Cross, spans all the ages. The intercession of Jesus (the second Adam) for the first Adam, and all the other Adam’s and Eve’s to come, brought knowledge of forgiveness. We do not know, or have the insight, as to what the outcomes of our words and actions will be. Eve thought that God was withholding something from them that they deserved. Suddenly she doubted God’s goodly intentions towards his children, following her listening to the half-truths of the serpent. She took action and appropriated what she thought they needed and deserved. She was sorely disappointed. The Lord shall never withhold anything that we need, but will give it at the right time, according to his riches in Jesus Christ, (Philippians 4: 19).

When Jesus was teaching his followers He explained God’s Kingdom to them using many parables and sayings. “Jesus further told them a proverb: Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both stumble?” (Luke 6: 39). We are blinded by the earthly knowledge of the learned, and the wise sayings of the scholars, but in the final analysis, all of us are looking at this world through a veil. There are mysteries too great for our earthly understanding. These will only be revealed in the world to come. Let us encourage each other to trust and obey the Word of the Lord and wait for the fulfilling of His promises.

Father, we pray, give us wisdom to lead life on earth according to your will and to trust you with the plans for our future. This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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