Devotion for Wednesday 2 June

Dear Readers and Listerns, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 55 verse 3, “Incline you ear, and come to me; listen so that you may live,” (NRSVB). In this Chapter the prophet Jeremiah teaches on God’s invitation to come to him. God invites all those who are thirsty, and promises water, refreshing water, to be bought by those who have no money. What God gives cannot be obtained by using the monetary means of the earth. There is no amount of earthly value that we can put on these heavenly gifts. Divine gifts have no price, for their value cannot be found on earth. These priceless treasures are given to humans, by God, when they come and partake of these gifts and yearn to be filled with the living water of renewed life.

The prophet states that the food that God shares with those he loves, is spiritual food. This food will anoint our souls, and will bring us to a place of quiet comfort in the knowledge that God supplies the needs of those who come to him, those who ask for wisdom to serve and obey him. Receiving blessings from God starts with surrending the idea that we are able to feed ourselves, and admit that it is only God who can fill the void in the heart of humans, the void that needs the love and understanding of the Creator God. When we realize that our money cannot purchase anything that we truly need, we humble ourselves, for it has been revealed to us it is not within our ability to fulfill our needs, only God can fill our thirst und hunger for righteousness.

When Jesus hung on the Cross, just before he died, he called out, “I have thirst!” The vinegar wine on the sponge could not quench the thirst. Apart from the anguish of the deep thirst of the body, Christ’s deepest thirst was to overcome evil and fulfil his work of redemption and reconciliation of humanity back to their Father God. Then with a loud voice, Jesus cried, “It is finished!” Christ overcame. His yearning and thirst for righteousness and the conquering of the enemy were fulfilled as he turned his head and expired. Christ, the Living Water and the Bread of Heaven, was poured out as a sacrifice and gift of grace for us. We can receive the the priceless gift of the Spiritual food and water, wine and milk of the Promised Land, at the Psalm 23 Banquet Table set for us.

In the Gospel of Luke in Chapter 6, verses 48 and 49, Jesus teaches, “I will show you what someone is like who comes to me, hears my words, and acts on them. That one is like a man building a house, who dug deeply and laid the foundation on rock.” Coming to Jesus causes us to experience his presence. Having the presence of the Son of God with us gives us the firm foundation that we can stand on. This is the foundation that grounds our life and everything we think, say and do, for in him we life and have our being. Acting on the Words of God draws us to the Father, for Christ wants us to have life, and life abundantly, that drives away all fear and fills us with joy.

The Rock poured forth fresh water in the desert for the Israelites on their journey to the Promised Land. God is the Rock of our salvation, a mighty fortress, we can hide in him and he will keep us from bodily and spiritual harm, for we are hidden in the shelter of his shadow. Building on the Rock, the Foundation of Faith and Life, requires our coming to the Words and Teachings of our Lord and partaking of his gifts, by enjoying the water and bread, the spiritual food of the Gospel, the Good News. Christ, the Lord, is the One who invites all to come and take from him the new life that he offers to become new creatures through grace. Opening one’s hands, dropping all the things one cleaves to, will bring us to come to buy this living water that we are invited to receive. Our feet are on holy ground, we are in the place where stone by stone, we construct a living, worshipping temple for our Lord, built on the one foundation, Jesus Christ.

Father, we thank you that we are part of the body of believers, who have built their house on the firm and unshakeable foundation of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion