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Devotion for Tuesday 8 June

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Isaiah Chapter 60 verse 17, “The Lord said: I will appoint peace as your overseer and righteousness as your taskmaster,” (NRSVB). The prophet Isaiah speaks of the time that will come, the time when Jerusalem will rise, for she will receive the Light of the World, and be a gleaming city of light and truth. The tyranny that ruled her will be replaced with peace and righteousness will reign among the people. There will be no violence, it will be unheard of in the new city. The walls that encompass the city will be walls of Salvation and the gates of the city will be gates entered into with praise. The city of Jerusalem will experience God as the everlasting light and there will be no need for the light of the sun, nor the moon, for the Christ-light will be the Light of the World. At the end of the ages, when the New Jerusalem will be the City of God, the people will all be taught by God and dwell in righteousness and God will be glorified for ever.

The images of the New Jerusalem fill us with hope for a future in the presence of God, where the things of the earth will become strangely dim, as we see things with new clarity, when the mysteries of God will be revealed to us as the Christ Light will shine in splendour. Light breaks the stronghold of darkness, even a flickering flame dispels the fearful dark night. The day breaks through and the the night of sorrow turns to a day of rejoicing, for God has brought his truth to expose the fears of the night for what they are, shadows. Shadows might look ominous, but they cannot hurt us, for it only takes the first, faint morning light to rob them of their power that create fearful images to cast shadows of anxiety over us. The prophet Isaiah declares that the Messiah will come and will bring his peace to the world, a peace such as the world has never seen or experienced before, and ultimately, when Christ, the Messiah comes again, he will come in his glory, in dazzling brightness, for the world to see, and confess: Christ as Lord of all.

Jesus told his disciples to expect and experience the peace that he will give them. This peace of the Lord is not a peace that one can obtain in this world, it is the peace of Christ, who has overcome the world and all the desires and practices of the world that lead to unrest and anxiety. This peace is not a peace the world can give, it is a peace that is only received as we live and grow more in grace and in the knowledge thereof. Christ’s peace is the perfect peace that casts out all doubt and fear. The peace of Christ is true peace that brings people in right standing with God and each other, so much so, that they only desire to do the will of God and live in the light of the New Commandment, the command of love. Love drives out all fear and heralds in peace. The peace of the Lord is given to the children of God and reigns in their hearts, despite the restlessness that reigns in the world. We can already live and enjoy this peace here on earth, for Christ has brought the peace offering to the Father. Jesus laid down his life so that whosever believes can enter into his peace and enjoy the comfort of forgiveness through grace. We do not have to wait to experience and enjoy peace in heaven, we can celebrate peace on earth, for Jesus came and the angels brought the tidings of peace and good will to all of humanity.

The Apostle Paul writes in his Letter to the Romans in Chapter 14 verse 17, “The kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,” (NRSVB). We are assured through the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of God – who came with great power to work as witness to Christ on Pentecost – that the word and work of God will not return to him empty, but yield a great harvest. It is God’s will and his purpose for this world to find the peace of the Lord and live in harmony with each other as we minister with songs and psalms and hymns to one another. Peace means the absence of strife and hate, the absence of greed and covetousness, the absence of unbelief, doubt and fear. Peace is the presence of God manifested in the creation, creatures and humanity, living together celebrating the New Heaven and the New Earth, where every tongue shall confess that Christ is the Lord, the Prince of Peace.

Father God, we thank you that you bless us and say to us, peace I give unto you, my peace I give to you. Thank you that we may enjoy this peace as you make your face shine over us and give us your joy, Amen.

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