Devotion for Tuesday 6 July

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, Chapter 29 verse 7, “Seek the welfare of the city, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare,” (NRSVB). Our watchword is taken from a letter that Jeremiah sent to all the captives who were in exile in Babylon. They were wondering how long it would take before they would return to Jerusalem and how they had to live their lives in captivity. Jeremiah wrote to them that they were going to be used by God to intercede for the city that they have to make their new home. They had to settle there and keep the city and her people, notwithstanding that they were captives, in their prayers. If there is peace and stability in the city it would not only serve the citizens well, but also the captives who were exiled to live in Babylon. In the letter Jeremiah told the Israelites in exile that they must take heart, for God knows his plans and purposes and he planed to prosper the Israelites, even in captivity. Jeremiah pleaded with the people not to rebel, but to serve the king of Babylonian, as he would allow the people to cultivate lands and remain safely on the land, rather than to perish by the sword and famine.

However, Hananiah, a false prophet, said to all the priests in the House of the Lord in Jerusalem that God has proclaimed that he has broken the yoke of king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. After he spoke these words, he went up to Jeremiah and broke the yoke that Jeremiah had carried around his neck as a visible symbol of God’s punishment. Jeremiah declared to Hananiah that he was not speaking as an ordained prophet from God, for he was a false prophet, declaring words from within himself and not directed by God. The captivity lasted for nearly seventy years. God protected the remnant in Babylon and those who fled to Egypt, as Jeremiah foretold. In the history of the Old Testament we read of the prophets and heroes of faith who stepped in and stood in the gap, praying for the people, whether they were Jews or Gentiles. Abraham prayed for the people of Sodom and for his nephew, Lot, and interceded for the welfare of the city. Moses interceded for the Israelites when they worshipped the golden calf. Nehemiah prayed for the returning exiles as they came to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple. Joseph interceded for his brothers and the people of Egypt and God gave him wisdom to save the people of the Ancient Near East from a devastating drought. Daniel interceded daily for the city as he was in exile in Babylon. God uses his children and hears their prayers and brings about peace and stability, even in times of calamity.

Jesus, the ultimate intercessor, who carried all our sin and guilt on the Cross, told the criminal next to him: today you will be with me in paradise. Jesus’ life was a life of intercession and prayer, even in his last moments on earth, he still healed, forgave and saved from sin. He taught his followers concerning the power and work of intercessory prayer, “You are the salt of the earth,” in his sermon on the mount recorded in Matthew Chapter 5 verse13. The followers of Jesus have to act with their words and deeds like their Master. They have to preserve his words and tell of his deeds and continue to enact his teachings, for salt preserves and brings out the taste and flavour of food. Jesus, the living water and bread of heaven, feeds his children daily with spiritual food sprinkled with the salt of truth of grace and faith. The words and prayers that Jesus taught his disciples are to be remembered, recited and celebrated until he comes again in glory. Now, while we are awaiting his return, we have to remain waiting and watching for his coming again. We are instructed to continue to pray for this world and her people, asking God to bring his peace and stability in this dark world.

Father, we thank you that you have given us your word and your example, you instruct us to bring the people, all the nations of the world to you in prayer, for you loved the world so much that you gave your life, so that all may live with you in the House of the Father, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion