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Devotion – Tuesday, 30 March

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

“A child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders,” Isaiah Chapter 9 verse 6, (NRSVB). This verse of the Prophet Isaiah has been powerfully transcribed into music, part of the Messiah Oratorio of Handel. Jubilantly the choir and orchestra sing the prophecy of Christ’s birth, “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given!” Christ’s birth announced God’s dwelling with the people of the world through his Son: from the manger to the cross, in resurrection and ascension. The Lenten colour of purple, the colour of mourning, but also of authority and royal tradition, is the colour that expresses the joy and sorrow of this time eloquently. The Cross holds the tragedy of an unrighteous death penalty and the theology of the Love of the Righteous Lord up for all to see. Instead of an instrument of torture, the Cross becomes the symbol of freedom from sin and guilt, because of what our Lord suffered on the Cross for us. Christ already had received all authority, but when he came to earth, he laid down his majesty and became human, so that he could identify with all humans. He suffered pain and death like humans, and through it all, conquered death for us and resurrected after he descended into hell for us. In his coming down from heaven to earth, and going into the earth and to Hades, he reigned over death and hell and it could not contain him. Through the power of God, Christ resurrected to new and glorious life. He did this for us, so that we can be where he is, and enjoy everlasting life with God. We cannot wrap our minds around these mysteries of God, but as the old hymn teaches us, “I need no other argument, I need no other plea, It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me,” ( – Hewitt).  

In the Second Letter of Peter, Chapter One verse 17, the Apostle Peter talks about Jesus’ authority being blessed and acknowledge through the sound of the voice of God from heaven, “Jesus Christ received honour and glory from God the Father when that voice was conveyed to him by the Majestic Glory, saying: this is my Son, my Beloved, with whom I am well pleased,” (NRSVB). The heavenly hosts acknowledged the Son of God and came down to earth with him, to tell people of his birth. The element, namely the Star of Bethlehem, drew the attention of nations far away from Bethlehem to the greatest of events in the cosmos. When Jesus was baptised God’s voice blessed him and called on the people to listen to his Son, the Messiah. The waves and the wind, the sea, all bowed before their King and Creator and listened to him. Even the demons said: “What have we to do with you, Jesus, Son of God?” Disease and death left at his command, and people were healed and raised from the death. When Jesus died the earth trembled, trembled, trembled, and it became dark as the cosmos mourned their Creator. However, unlike the cosmos, many humans still cannot believe that Christ is the Son of God, who came to seek and save the lost and reconcile them to their Father, through the Son. 

Christ came to us as a baby in a manger, wrapped in swaddling cloths and put on a bed of straw and hay, where the frail and lowly had a glimpse of this miracle. His whole life was devoted to serving his Father and to show his Father’s love through his dwelling on earth, preaching, teaching, praying, healing, and dying for the world that knew him not. This time of the Passion-tide invites us to look at Christ and listen and believe the witnesses that told of him through the ages up to this very day. Christ came and willingly laid down his life. He was present with God at the beginning and will be until the end. He had us in mind when said: “It is finished!”  Our sorrow and alienation have ended. 

Jesus, you have been given all power in heaven and earth. We praise you, Lord, Amen.  

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