Devotion for Tuesday 27 July

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 44 verse 24, “Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, Who formed you in the womb: I am the Lord, who made all things, who also stretched out the heavens, who by myself spread out the earth,” (NRSVB). God spoke through his prophet Isaiah to those who were children of Jacob, not to be afraid. What occurred in the life of Jacob was that he cheated his twin, but older brother, out of his birth-right of receiving the blessing from his father, by pretending to his blind father, Isaac, that he was Esau. Before Isaac died, he blessed Jacob, whose name means, supplanter, with the blessings reserved for the eldest son. When Esau came to be blessed by his father, the deception was realized, but it was too late, Jacob received his father’s blessing that was meant for Esau. Esau swore revenge, Jacob fled and animosity reigned between the brothers. Jacob had to travel with his family and possessions through land that belonged to Esau. He sent his messengers ahead with a great gift of various flock and cattle, to ask his estranged brother permission for the journey. The messengers returned and said that his brother sent his greeting and was on the way to meet him accompanied by four hundred men. Jacob was assured that this was an attack from his brother, and prayed to God to save him and his family from calamity.

During the night God appeared to Jacob in the form of an angel, and Jacob and the angel wrestled, but neither could gain the victory in the wrestling. The angel asked Jacob to release him and Jacob said that he would only release him if he would bless him. The angel asked Jacob what his name was, and in shock Jacob whispered, “Jacob,” for he realized that his name meant trickster, usurper or supplanter. The angel said to Jacob that his name would not be Jacob, but he would receive a new name, for he has honourably worked for and was deserving of this blessing, unlike the blessing he received through cunning. Jacob’s name was changed from being a usurper, to Israel, meaning to fight or contend with God. The angel knew Jacob’s name, but wanted Jacob to think about his own name and identity. When the angel asked him for his name, Jacob realized who he was, someone who tricked his brother to receive a blessing that did not belong to him. Now, through the wrestling with the angel he contended fairly and was put in right standing to receive a blessing from God. This blessing first changed his name and then reformed his character from one who was prepared to use trickery, to one who was prepared to contend and obtain in a fair manner. Esau and Jacob’s relationship as twin brothers was restored and God blessed Jacob and raised from his twelve sons the nation of Israel.

This is the history of the nation of Israel, and through the Prophet, Isaiah, God reminded the people that it is he who made them and he who call them by name, just as he called their father, Israel, and saved him and made his lineage a great nation. They, like their father Jacob, have dealt treacherously with the Lord. However, because of God’s loving-kindness to his people and his promise to his servant Jacob, renamed Israel, God will also deal kindly with the Israelites and bring them back from their captivity and restore Israel again. God called on Israel to bring their case to him, and plead with him, like their father Jacob did, for repentance before the Lord bring about the blessings of forgiveness and new hope. Blessings come from God, he is the creator of all, and his works are to benefit his creation. God cannot be commanded to give his blessing where he is not honoured. In God’s great mercy he comes to humankind who uses trickery and cunning amongst each to receive what they are not entitled to. Blessings obtained through such means are not blessing from heaven and what was thought of as a blessing is later experienced as a curse. Jesus Christ came to break the bonds that held the world and her people imprisoned in the dungeon of guilt and shame for trying to usurp the reign of God on earth as it is in heaven.

God allowed Jacob to contend with him so that Jacob could realize that God intended blessing for him too, he did not need to take his brother’s first born rights from him. When Jacob realized that it was God whom he met face to face, he was brought to the understanding that he would live and not die, and his brother would spare his life, just as God spared his life as he wrestled with God and received from him a new identity. We all exist through God in this world, and we will return to God, from this world. We therefore do not have to fear life in this world or in the future world. In his First Letter to the Corinthians in Chapter 8 verse 6, the Apostle Paul wrote, “For us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist,” (NRSVB). Jesus Christ is the Son of God and through him we have attained the blessing of life everlasting.

Father God, we come to you and we thank you that you took our old natures. You bless us as we wrestle to fight the good fight. You called us by name and gave us new natures and new identities in you, for whom we exist. We thank you that you bless us with life on earth and life eternal with you in heaven through your Son. Help us to bless our neighbours and serve them like our Lord served us, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion