Devotion for Tuesday 26 October

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm Twenty verse Seven, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God,” (NRSVB). The psalmist, King David, writes as caption for this psalm: “May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble!” King David learnt through his experience as the anointed king of Israel, having had to wait for the time to be finally crowned as the official regent, that God is the only one who could protect him from trouble. David was hunted down by King Saul, his life was in constant danger. However, he never took the law in his own hands, but waited on God to intervene and come to deliver him. David realized that the works of humans, the chariots that they build, and the training that they give to nature, like the horses that are trained up to help humans to reach their goals, are of little avail. Those who trust in the Name of the Lord will be rescued and put in a large and safe space through the intervention, plans and purposes that God has in mind. This knowledge strengthened David, even in the events where he had to face strong armies rising against him, plotting to take his life. God miraculously intervened, rescued him and allowed him to be instated as king, fulfilling the mission that God assigned him and promised him many years before it finally came to fruition.

The writer of the Letter to the Hebrews writes in Chapter Twelve verses One to Two, “Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith,” (NRSVB). The race that we are participating in, is the race of life of on earth, earning the victory of holding onto the faith that Christ works and renews in us every step of our way. The race has many turns in the road and many obstacles to overcome. The end goal is to receive the crown of life, life ever-lasting. In this race we are running in a pack with others, including many Christians. Through their prayers they cheer us on along the way. We have to support each other to stay in the race, following our leader, the One who has gone ahead and measures the pace of the race for us. He is making sure that we will not be running as to disqualify ourselves by taking the wrong route. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus. He is the one who secures our way ahead, moving along the road that we have to take, guiding us through times of trouble. As runners become tired, and have to change their pace in order to reserve their energy to assure that they will complete the race, so we have to adjust our pace as we move through life, according to the circumstances that we face. Our Lord Jesus Christ moves with us along the way, making sure that we can manage the pace of everyday as we follow in his footsteps. Let us not fear the chariots and the horses running past us at ferocious pace! God is the one who perfects that which concerns his children. He one who supports his children in their race and he is the one who crowns them with the victor’s crown, saying: Well done, good and faithful servant, come into the glory of your Lord.

Father, we thank you that we are not running the race of life alone. We thank you that we do not have to rely on the works of humans and the plans they devise to fulfil this race, but that we can rely solely on you to keep us in the race. Thank you for guiding us and pacing us as we persevere, keeping our eyes on the goal, to complete our faith victorious, as you have promised, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion