Devotion for Tuesday 22 June

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm One Hundred and Three, verses 15 to 17, “As for mortals their days are like grass; they flourish like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone. But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting,” (NRSVB). In this psalm of David we are reminded that the rise and fall of persons, their life span, from birth to death, is fleeting in comparison with the history of the ages. Despite this very short time that a human has to live on earth, God made great plans for this life. He sees every life as precious in his sight and redeems this brief life with the crown of life everlasting, with him, in heaven. Thinking on the passage of time, and its rapid progress, must not fill us with despair, but hope, for despite the mortal life and the brevity thereof, it is reborn, spiritually through Christ and his resurrection life in us. The resurrection life, given to us through God’s grace and the gift of faith, works in us on earth, but is only fully manifested once we go through death unto life ever-lasting. Therefore death does not rob us of life-eternal, but becomes the vehicle of our transformation. Having this hope and this knowledge allow us to live this life to the full. We are not condemned to perish eternally, even though our bodies are frail, as grass, and the cold hand of death takes our earthly breath. We will be restored, perfected, dressed with the resurrected body of Christ in heaven.

Despite the short and seemingly unimportant estate of humanity, God has assigned such importance to each of his human creatures, that he blesses their life on earth, and regards their faith, works and words as accomplishments that bear great fruit on earth and in heaven. God has seen the fragile estate of humans. He has seen their inability to follow his commandments and has planned and purposed the Saviour, Jesus Christ, who, through his obedience and love, turned humanity and the created world back to God. This turning occurred in the life, death and resurrection of our Lord, however, this turning will only be fully realized, once when Jesus Christ returns as the King of glory and the Lord of all. We are therefore already living in this joy and hope of ultimate resurrection to glory while we are on earth. This understanding shapes everything that the child of God does. This child does not see this life as a futile life that accomplishes nothing on earth, but lives this fragile transient life, with all its fears and anxieties, with the sure knowledge that God blesses our works and words through grace unto faith. Even the tiniest deed of goodness, like giving a glass of water to one of the children, does not go unnoticed.

Our lives are redeemed and this redemption beautifies, dignifies and crowns humanity with the loving-kindness and tender mercy of our Lord. These are bestowed to us new, and freely, every morning, as we rise to see the new day of our fleeting, but immensely important life. Our significance cannot be taken away from us through the processes of worth assigned by the yardstick of the world. Humans are not disposable, humans are irreplaceable. They have always been, is and shall be, the objects and subjects of God’s deep and unconditional love and mercy. Because of God’s great mercy to us and his gift of forgiveness through his Son, we become merciful to our neighbour. We are his children, made in his image and given the character of our Lord Jesus Christ. When we think on these mysteries of God, that we cannot fully comprehend this side of heaven, we are filled with wonder and thankfulness that God has planned and purposed us and given us life. The life of a child of God is a life attached to him who lives and works and moves within us, it is from him whom we have our being. We are not alone in this harsh world, we do not have to fight our circumstances, fears and doubts alone, God is Lord in our life and guards our every breath.

The Apostle Paul writes in his letter to the Romans, in Chapter 5 verse 2, “Through Jesus Christ we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand; and we boast in our hope of sharing in the glory of God,” (NRSVB). This boasting is not a boasting of ourselves and our works, but a sure knowledge of the work of God in us, and his promises to us. We are changed daily to be more and more to his likeness. We are led to the table that he has prepared for us at the banquet of heaven. Jesus assures us that he prepared our place in heaven so that we can be with him and enjoy the glory of the Father, Son and Spirit. This is the sure hope that we have been given, it is the foundation of our faith and lives, that we, though fragile vessels, are precious in the sight of God. He sees us as and hears us and, like a loving Father, prepares our days ahead for us. We are promised that we will not even bump our feet on a stumbling stone, but will walk courageously and joyously on this road of life, being carried by his angels.

Father, we stand in awe of your mercy and grace to us. We come to you anew, and thank you for your steadfast love and your continuous care for us, in body, mind and spirit. Father, make us aware of your perfect peace and presence, as you fill us with hope and courage anew, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion