Devotion for Tuesday 18 May

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm One Hundred and Eleven, verse 4, “He has gained reknown by his wonderful deeds; the Lord is gracious and merciful,” (NRSVB). The psalmist calls on the believers to praise and publish the Name of the Lord in the places where they are present. Talking about the Lord’s work and powerful deeds to those around us will bring an atmosphere of awe and gratefulness to our day. When we express our joy in the new day and our hope in God’s guidance and protection for a blessed day, we set the tone of glad expectations from the Lord, the Giver of all good things. There are many theories and philosophies in this world, however, the beginning of Wisdom starts with our hearts and minds being turned towards God. He promises that he will provide for those who come to him, his provision will satisfy the hunger and thirst of the soul and the body. The ruthless pace of the world and the constant pressure of learning and delivering faster and better performance create unspeakable tension and anxiety within humans. People wonder how they would be able to work more hours, learn more new fields and disciplines and deliver what is demanded with in a faster turn around time. God, the Creator of the Universe and Lord of all, is not a hard task master. He is full of mercy towards those who are not managing under the demands of the pressures of the wheel of progress of the world. God is gracious and he does not reprimand his tired workers for being exhausted, but demands them to be still and know that he is the Lord. Our God is indeed merciful and Jesus told us to be merciful as his Father is merciful. We need to extend this gracious mercy to ourselves and others when we feel crushed under the pressures and demands of life. The psalmist tells us that God sends his redemption to us there where we are, and calls on us to look up to him and expect his deliverance.

Sometimes we come to a place where we fail to see the any rhyme our reason for the situations that we are confronted with. As we carefully try to understand what is going on around us, we find glimmers of hope and the situation starts to take on a new perspective. It is as if the veil is taken from our eyes and we can see God’s presence and guidance, even in the midst of turmoil and calamity. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, his disciples went through the most agonizing time. They started to re-interpret many of the teaching he taught them and slowly their understanding was opened and they were able to apply his words to their context. However, they were in mourning for their Master, the Lord Jesus, was not with them and they were fearful for their future. “And it occurred that as He reclined at the table with them, He took a loaf of bread and praised God and gave thanks and asked a blessing, and then broke it and was giving it to them. When their eyes were instantly opened and they clearly recognized Him, He vanised and departed invisibly,” Luke 24 verses 30 to 31, (Amplified Bible). Jesus appeared and showed his presence in the ordinary being together of a simple meal of bread. His words and presence moved and filled those at the table with great joy and awe. For a minute the veil was lifted and they saw and knew that it was their Lord who showed himself at their table.

When we look around us we will be overjoyed and our hearts will be burning inside us as we see and experience the Lord’s presence around us. He presents himself and his presence in the small miracles of each and every day to comfort his children and to remind them of his constant care and loving-kindness. This is our Lord who brings us his peace and joy even in the relentless pace of the machinery of the world. As we walk along our way, let us be mindful to look out to find Jesus in every situation and person we meet. He is not far off and delights in bringing light and truth, refreshing living water and manna from heaven.

Father, we thank you for the joy of your presence. Father, we ask that you will open our eyes, for we want to see Jesus, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion