Devotion for Tuesday 17 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from psalm One Hundred and Nineteen, verse Forty Three, “Do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth,” (NRSVB). This psalm of David is a reflective and meditative psalm on the word of the Lord that is given and spoken by the true prophet. God gave his commandments to Moses and promised that he would give his word to prophets throughout history to guide people in the way of the Lord. As long as people wanted to be instructed in the word of God and be informed regarding the way they should walk, God would send his messengers to be vessels to impart his wisdom. David experienced the words given by God to the prophets, Samuel and Nathan, and saw how the people rebelled against the true words of the prophets. He also saw how the Israelites followed the words of false prophets that led to destruction. David wanted to obey God’s word and was assured that God gave wisdom and truth to those who ask for godly insight. In his prayer to God he asked to have a discerning heart that would not mislead people away from the paths of righteousness with proclamations from his own mind and heart. David prayed to be instructed and informed by the working of God’s spirit within him, in order to impart God’s words to the people.

Throughout the writings and prayers contained in the Old Testament we notice that the political leaders of the nations, as well as the spiritual leaders, were instructed in the word of the Lord. When the political leaders obeyed the godly instruction of the prophets, and led the people with faithful reverence and fear in God, the nations experienced peace and co-operation. God’s commandments are designed to advocate justice and fairness. The counsel of humans attempt to see how rules and laws can be reinterpreted in order to unfairly benefit those who are interested in bending the laws to serve their purposes. The true prophets of God, through the ages, have always been drawing attention to these acts of violating the laws of God, and oppressing the people with new and unjust human laws. God promised Moses that a prophet would be raised up after him, who would bring the word of the Lord to the people and fulfil all the requirements of the commandments. This promise is written in Chapter Eighteen verse Eighteen, of the Book of Deuteronomy, “I will raise up for them a Prophet form among their brethren like you; and will put My words in His mouth; and He shall speak to them all that I command Him,” (Amplified Bible).

Jesus explained to His disciples in the Gospel of John, Chapter 14 verse 23, “If a person really loves Me, he will keep My word and obey my teaching; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him,” (Amplified Bible). Jesus Christ is the Prophet that God promised to Moses, the One who was raised up to fulfil the commandments and save the people of the world. By recognizing Jesus Christ as the prophet, and following his teachings, the listeners and hearers receive the true word of God within their hearts and minds, it will not depart from those who love the Lord.

The Apostle Paul warns the pastor Timothy that times will come when people would not be interested in being taught the word of God. They would prefer to follow their own misdirected and false ideologies, as we read in the Second Letter to Timothy, Chapter Four, verses 3 and 4, “For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and will wonder away to myths,” (NRSVB). When Jesus died, even the centurion who kept watch over him had to exclaim, “Truly, this was God’s Son!” For the earth quaked and the darkness fell upon the world, the truth was revealed on the Cross. Jesus is the truth and the life and his words will perform what he has prophesied. “Heaven and earth will perish and pass away, but My words will not perish or pass away,” we read in the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 13 verse 31, (Amplified Bible).

Father, we thank you that you have given us Your Word! You have sent your Son to dwell with us and reveal to us your will. Help us to trust the words that we have been given, and cling to your promise of faith, hope and life everlasting through your grace, and the love of our Lord Jesus, Christ, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion