Devotion for Tuesday 14 September

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm Forty One verse One, “Happy are those who consider the poor, the Lord delivers them in the day of trouble,” (NRSVB). In this psalm of David he reminds the reader and listener of God’s dealings with humanity. In the face of calamity God comes to save those who have compassion on the neighbour and the stranger, those who put their fear and trust in God and who walk in the paths of righteousness. God reaches out to those who find themselves physically ill, constrained to a sick bed, being weak and weary. Not only does God sustain and heal the body, God comes and restores the inner-self of those who are languishing in disease, being oppressed by guilt and sin. David states that when the enemy, the Evil One, attacks his spirit and causes him to doubt and fear that his guilt and sins have not been taken away, God comes and pours out his healing balm and assures of him of forgiveness.

God reinstates his children and upholds their integrity and blesses their presence in his sanctuary. The poet and psalmist, David, experienced God’s mercy. This mercy raised him up from his sick bed and brought inner-peace and reassurance that God is present, a very real help and refuge. When one has suffered the pain of poverty in the physical and spiritual realm, one has compassion with those who are suffering the same plight. Due to this compassion, one is able to help those suffering, by sharing their load, giving what one is able to give to bring comfort and deliverance. God rewards the compassion and care given to the weak and the poor. Not only does he bring the weak and poor to a place of peace and rest, he brings peace and rest to those who afford help and loving-kindness. “Be merciful, as my Father is merciful,” Jesus taught his disciples in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter Six verse Thirty Six, (Amplified Bible).

The prophet, Isaiah, prophesied that when the Prince of Peace would come, He would: “Strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble and tottering knees. He would say to those who are of a fearful heart: Be strong, fear not! Then the eyes of blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped, then the lame shall leap like a deer and the tongue of the dumb shall sing for joy. Waters shall break forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert,” as recorded in Chapter Thirty Five of the Book of Isaiah, verses Three to Six, (Amplified Bible). When one is subjected and oppressed in the poverty of ill-health and little resources, when the ability to hear the good news and the ability to see the coming deliverance have diminished, one needs to have someone to inspire hope of redemption and deliverance. God has provided the Holy Spirit, who comes to aid those who are failing and fearing. Through in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit, countless men, women and children are inspired to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. They bring blessings and hope to those who sit in darkness and despair. Feeding the hungry by sharing physical and spiritual bread is a God-given command.

Our doctrinal verse for today is taken from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Five verse Seven, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy,” (NRSVB). God’s mercy has brought us out of the desert of lost to the haven of blessedness. His love for the world and his grace, given through the gift of his Son on the Cross for us, has healed us. We have been made part of the citizens of heaven, who are currently in transit, from the tent dwelling of earth to the permanent abode in heaven. While we are on earth, let us carry the loads of those around us, sharing that what has been given to us with joy. Then he Lord will multiply joy and gladness, sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

Father, we thank you that you are our God of loving-kindness, ever-merciful and compassionate, slow to anger, and quick to forgive. Help us to learn from you and follow the example of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who was obedient unto death, yes, even death on a Cross, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion