Devotion for Tuesday 1 June

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for this month of June is taken from the Book of Acts, Chapter 5 verse 29, “We must obey God, rather than men,” (NRSVB). The background to this verse is the pearching of Peter and the apostles that led to their arrests on false charges of causing public disturbance. However, what happened was that the apostles, after the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, were preaching and teaching so boldly in the temple, healing the sick and bringing the Good News of the Gospel, that the temple leadership were outraged at the following and adherence that the apostles enjoyed amongst the people concerning the teaching of Jesus Christ. The temple authorities forbade the apostles to preach in the Name of Jesus, however, they continued and were then violently arrested and put in jail. During the night, the Angel of the Lord came, and saved them from jail by bringing them out of the stocks and chains by miracle working power of the Spirit. The apostle walked out of jail, right back to the temple and continued proclaiming Jesus Christ, and his work on the Cross, for the salvation of all humankind.

The leadership of the temple sent the next morning to the jail to have the apostles called for their trial, however, they were not found in the jail. Reports followed stating that the apostles were saved by the power of God out of jail and they were continuing with their work of proclaiming that Jesus Christ brought the Kingdom of God to earth. This time the military went to arrest the apostles at the temple, without using violence, for fear of the people, for the people were convinced that the apostles were sent by God to work his will and purpose.

The leaders of the Sanhedrin addressed the apsotles and told them that they were instructed and warned that they were not to preach in the Name of this man, Jesus. The Apostle Peter, the one who denied Jesus, boldly told the temple officials at the hearing that they must be obedient to God and fear him, and not fear mere men, and what they could do to them. The work and punishment of men can affect the body, so much so that it can take life away, but the spirit of humans can never be touched, it is safe in God’s hands and will not be snatched away by the enemy. Mortals can harm the mortal life, but has no power over the immortal.

We marvel at the turn that occurred in the lives of the disciples. At Jesus’ arrest they were scattered and were hiding away fearful of persecution and the works of mere humans. Now, after the pouring out of the Spirit of God, the apostles acts as Jesus acted in the Garden when he was arrested. He asked the soldiers who they were looking for and affirmed that he is the one they wanted and allowed them to arrest Him, but told the officers to let his followers go free. The disciples never forgot how they were scattered during the arrest in Gethsemane, just as Jesus proclaimed, but now we find them boldly witnessing to their faith and hope, Jesus Christ. Christ is their Lord, who told them to go and make disciples, and the apostles went out and served their Lord and Master with undivided hearts and minds.

The prophet, Samuel, spoke to the Israelites after they received the Ark of Covenant back from the Philistines who captured it in war. During these time the people’s hearts were not undivided in serving God. They started to follow wrongful worship practices and forgot the demands of God’s laws and ordinances, so much so that they even looked into the Ark of Covenant, when it was returned to Beth-shemesh. God punished the people for looking into the Ark for it was consecrated and holy, and only the priests could approah the Ark on certain days and religious feast, following the correct preparation ceremonies. Eleazar and his son were consecrated to take charge of the Ark and it remained for nearly a hundred years, throughout the whole time of Samuel’s rule, during the time of Saul’s reign and well into the reign of David, until he brought the ark to Jerusalem. When the Ark was returned Samuel interceded for the people who forgot their Lord and served other gods, and he told them, as we read in The First Book of Samuel, Chapter Seven verse Five, “If you are returning to the Lord your God, then put away the foreign gods among you, and direct your hearts to God and serve Him only,” (Amplified Bible). The people repented and Samuel taught them anew how to serve to Lord God in truth and righteousness.

Jesus taught as he was preaching of the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth, as we read in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 16 verse 13, “No one can serve two masters. Either you will love the one and hate the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other,” (NRSVB). When we are brought into a situation where we are pulled between opposing thoughts and choices and our love and commitment to the Lord are challenged, we need to remind ourselves of the courage of the heroes of faith, “We must obey God, more than mere men.” Jesus taught that we need not fear humans, they have only power over mortal life, however, the enemy, roars like a lion and tries to pull the children away from their Master. We need not fear for Christ has overcome and nothing can snatch us from his hand. He is our Master who will give us the words to say when we are put on trial for being his followers. He is our loving Master who encourages us and says to us, “Fear not little flock!”

Father, we thank you for our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and who died and rose again for us, to give us life eternal. We ask that you will give us your words as we proclaim you. Make us bold to honour you and serve you with undivided hearts, you our Master and Lord. For you are the Only God and Lord, to whom else can we go? Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion