Devotion for Thursday 5 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, Chapter 23 verse 28, “Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let the one who has my words speak my word faithfully. What has straw in common with wheat? Says the Lord,” (NRSVB). The Prophet Jeremiah received visions and words from the Lord to prophesy to the leaders of Judah. These words were regarding the false visions and words of prophets who claimed that God spoke to them of peace and hope, despite the dismal state of Israel’s and Judah’s worship, and their reverence concerning God’s commandments. The false prophets and the civil leaders did not reprimand the people when they were disobedient to God’s commandments. They even joined in the schemes and evil gains that were obtained through unrighteous practices. Jeremiah wept before the Lord and continuously interceded for those taken into captivity and the remnant of poor left in Jerusalem. He foretold of long years of captivity, but the false prophets stated that the grievous situation would soon be over.

Jeremiah called on the people to return to the Lord and be filled with repentance, whereas the false prophets perverted the words of the Lord and coloured it with their own man-made interpretations. God spoke to Jeremiah and told him that the words of the false prophets are like straw, it does not nourish the flock. The word of God, spoken in truth by the prophet, acts like wheat, nourishes the flock and turns them back to God. Jeremiah warned the false prophets, who served in the places of worship, even in the temple, that they would be cast away from the presence of the Lord for their words misled, and spoke idle vanities and were construed in their own minds. The word of the Lord, and the future that it proclaims, even the punishments that are revealed, is not the burden that the true prophet carries. The burden of the true prophet is the constant disobedience and the mockery of the people regarding the word of God and the promised fateful outcomes. Notwithstanding the presence of the true prophet, and the preaching of God’s word, people choose to listen to false prophets.

We live in an age where information and knowledge are in abundance, however, with the increase of information, the increase of misinformation and disinformation also increase. People who counsel in good faith, and who have the best interest of those they counsel at heart, are dismayed to see how their good advice is thrown to the wind as people prefer to follow false information and lies. Ultimately the price of following bad advice and plans will lead to disaster. The knowledge of humans regarding the workings of the universe is not complete, nor can they interpret their own findings fully. If one considers the limited correct application of knowledge of the world we live in, how can humanity even start to interpret and comprehend the world to come? God gives wisdom and understanding to those who wait on his counsel. We live this current life, with a view to the life of the future, everlasting life. God ordains the life of the here and now. He works to set things right in a world where humanity is struggling to find peace, for they are not mindful of his commandments. Many of the leaders of the world denounce God and act with no regard towards his creatures or his creation. Their circle of influence is great and countless people follow them regardless, hanging unto their every word and proclamation. These are the false prophets of our age, who are enriching themselves at the cost of peace and truth in the world. They are deluded by the straw of their own inventions, trying to spin gold.

The Apostle Paul writes in his first letter to the Corinthians, Chapter 2 verses 4 and 5, that he did not come to dazzle them with his wisdom. He came to proclaim to them the word of God, the Love of Christ on the Cross, which is the Wisdom of God. “My speech and my proclamation were not with plausible words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Sprit and of power, so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom but on the power of God,” (NRSVB). When Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate, Pilate asked Jesus what the truth is that Jesus proclaimed, for Pilate could not discern the truth, even as it stood before him. Like Pilate, all people have a blind spot when it comes to the truth, and in their own wisdom they even condemn truth to death. It takes the work of the Spirit of God to dismantle the words and work of the false prophets. False prophets tell people that they are able to save themselves when they work hard enough at their enterprises and rely on their own competencies. The true prophets warn people not to rely on their own wisdom, but to bring everything to God in prayer and obedience, and work with God on his plans and purposes for the world. For God’s love saved the world through his Son. There will only be peace in the world when people consider the other as a creature made by God, infinitely worthy. However, people’s lives have becomes regarded as disposable when one reads the literature of the world and her leaders. Truth is as opposite to untruth as light is to darkness and death is to life. We are not condemned to live in the light of the lies of the world, but in the light of the Love and Truth of the Lord.

Father, we confess that we are at times blinded into thinking that straw can nourish us. Help us to be ever watchful and to nourish us with the truth of your Word. Help us to stay close to you as we ponder your word and come to you in prayer. We pray that you will shine the light of your truth on us, this we ask in the Name of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion