Devotion for Thursday 3 June

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of Psalms, Psalm One Hundred and Twenty Five verse 2, “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, from this time on and for ever more, ” (NRSVB). This verse is taken from a collection of psalms called the “Ascent Psalms.” Scholars explain that these fifteen psalms could have been sung by the pilgrims travelling up to Jerusalem to participate in the yearly festivals of at the temple. These psalms have a liturgical format and could have been used during the worship service, however, there are no records on the precise performance of these psalms. It is thought that “Songs of Degrees or Ascents,” as these psalms are also known, could possibly refer to a particular way of singing or performing these hymns. The introduction verses of these psalms have as common themes the lifting of our eyes to the hills, the crying to God out of distress, being sure of his salvation, and the joy in the journey and preparation of meeting God in his house.

As the pilgrims continued to climb higher towards the mountain of the temple, their eyes could see the temple in the distance. Seeing the temple and keeping their destination in view, filled the travellers with joy and anticipation regarding their meeting with God, being in his presence, together with the community of the faithful. This psalm calls on God to bless those who are doing good and righteous deeds and to look with favour on those who have their hearts set on good and right causes. The believers can rejoice in the love and the protection of the Lord, for he is the one who protects the faithful. God’s care and love surround and give shelter to tired and weary travellers. Seeing the mountains surrounding Jerusalem is a reminder that God is steadfast and true. His words will never change and are more steadfast than the mountains. He is the God who promises peace to Jerusalem and her inhabitants, peace to the neighbours of Jerusalem and peace on earth and good news to all of humanity.

When Jesus met with Nicodemus in the dark of night, they engaged in a theological conversation. Jesus spoke of the new birth that the new creature in Christ, will undergo. This change in heart, body, mind and soul happened after the death and resurrection of Jesus, at the feast of Pentecost. The Spiritual birth is given through God’s grace and is the seal on the lives of Christians. Believers grow in grace as they keep their eyes lifted up to the Cross. There they behold their Lord as he suffered and attained victory for humanity over sin and death. This is the goal that we strive for, the receive the victor’s crown. This crown states that we have completed the race on earth, with the help of the Spirit of God, and will enter into the glory of our Lord.

In a world full of restlessness and turmoil we can have inner peace despite the environment where we find ourselves. We can sing with the travelling pilgrims the ascent songs as we journey homeward. We have a guide who will never disappoint. We need to keep our eyes on Him, for he will guard us. He will make our feet swift like the mountain deer and bring us safely to our haven.

The apostle Paul says in the Second Letter to the Thessalonians, “And now may the Lord of Peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways. The Lord be with all of you.” When we see the anxiety around us, we wonder when the Lord will come in all his splendour and reveal his power and kingship. However, despite calamities and turmoil, God promises through the work of his Son, who dwelled on earth, that we can enjoy peace on earth already, for Christ is our peace.

Father, we come to you and thank you that you have sent your Son, the One who brought peace and reconciliation between you, our Father, and us, brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ, who says, “peace I give unto you.” Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion