Devotion for Thursday 17 June

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 28 verse 12, “The Lord will open his rich storehouse, the heavens, to give the rain of your land in its season and to bless all your undertakings,” (NRSVB). Our watchword is taken from the latter passages of instruction that Moses and the elders gave to Israel concerning honouring and obeying the Commandments that they received from the Lord. Living life, by respecting the ordinances of the Living God, has great reward on earth and in heaven. It brings peace of mind and a settled trust in the Lord’s goodness. It causes peace amidst the nations, so that they can work together, embracing the gifts of God, using these to improve life for all.

Before the Israelites entered into their promised haven, Canaan, the Land of Milk and Honey, the ordinances of God were impressed upon their minds. They were promised that if they would heed the commandments of God, they would be set up as a blessing and a light to all the nations. God fulfilled his promise when the Messiah was born in Bethlehem, the City of David, the One who “brings light to those who are sitting in darkness.” Through this gift of grace, the blessings of God have been showered on all the earth, and reconciliation of humanity to her Creator has been achieved. The blessing of rain became a curse to those who were taken in the deluge of the flood, but a vehicle of safety and life, to those who were sheltered in the Ark. God made his covenant with Noah that he would never allow the heavens to consume to earth again, and gave as his sign the rainbow. He sealed the blessing of the sky, rain, as his gracious gift to the world and up to this very day we can witness his rainbow in the sky.

Rain is given to water the earth, to soften the parched lands so that they are prepared to receive the gift of seed, as to produce a great harvest that will feed and nurture humanity. As the rain revives the land and the people, so the rain of the proclamation of God’s word, throughout the world, quickens and restores weary people. It softens the hardened heart-soil to receive the blessed word and yield a crop of good fruit unto the Lord, and unto the creatures, and people of the earth. Despite the best effort of science, the giving of the gracious rain, is not a gift that can be produced by humans, it is the gift and promise of the Creator God, our Father, who longs to give us the best of his gifts to sustain us, and make us joyful. The gift of rain is a gift that is poured out over everyone, the believer and unbeliever alike. God’s greatest gift, the gift of his Son, was poured out for our Salvation, on the Cross of Calvary. It has been given for all, it has been done. He has fulfilled this work of redemption, and all we have to do is to accept that the Father has accepted us as beloved children.

After a downpour of blessed rain, the earth glistens and looks brighter, the animals and birds enjoy the refreshing drops of fresh water on their fur and feathers, and tiny blades of green breaks through the earth. Nature responds immediately to the blessing of rain. God has created a unique God-space in every human being that longs to communicate with him and be in his presence. The words of the Lord fill us and feed us as if we have been showered by a down-pour of refreshing water. Baptism reminds us of this grace and cleansing of the old nature to receive the nature of Christ, the nature of the new creature, that has been softened to respond to the blessing and sign of the living water.

Jesus says that he is the living water, the water that refreshes us from the inside out and leaves us like a bubbling fountain of living water, to restore others with the gift of water that he created within us. The woman at the well understood what Jesus shared with her when he taught her about the living water coming forth from the words spoken by the Prophet of God. She recognized Jesus as the Messiah and left her water jug at the Well of Jacob, and went to call the people of her village and introduced them to Christ, the Living water, and they believed.

This woman truly tasted and saw that the words and works of God were good and carried great blessings to those who drank of this water. The psalmist teaches in the One hundredth and nineteenth psalm, verse one hundred and three, “How sweet are Your Words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth,” (Amplified Bible). The Apostle Peter reminds his readers in his First Letter, Chapter 2 verses 3 and 4, “Since you have already tasted the goodness and kindness of the Lord, Come to him, the Living Stone which men tried and threw away, but which is chosen and precious in God’s sight.” Jesus went on trial and he was condemned to be crucified, and was rejected as the Corner Stone of the Temple by the humans who demanded his death. In death, from his pierced side, water and blood flown for redemption through his sacred blood and living water, for humanity. Christ is the Living Rock, who like the Rock in the desert, gives Living Water to all who suffer thirst. His words and works invigorate his children daily with over-flowing life!

Father, we thank you that you rain your blessings on us. Help us to respond with joy and thanksgiving as you open your storehouse and allow us to share in the treasures of your word and work, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion