flock of birds, birds, swarm-392676.jpg

Devotion for Thursday 16 September

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm Thirty Six verse Six, “You save humans and animals alike, O Lord,” (NRSVB). In this psalm of David, he marvels at the faithful love of God, that serves and saves humans and animals with daily food and shelter. God’s storehouse of mercy is present in the sky and the clouds above and the depths below. The discernment of God is like the great depths of the universe that humans cannot decipher. In God’s great wisdom he supplies the animals and plants of the earth their food. They are sustained so that ecosystems can operate and life can continue. The psalmists states, “For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light do we see light,” as we read in verse nine of this psalm.

Humanity is concerned about the state of the earth and its future. However, when inhumane acts and policies are implemented in order to mandate how to save the earth, the intentions of those implementing the policies, need to be investigated. God will not turn his face away from the world and her people that he loved so much that he gave his only begotten Son. The earth and the bounty of the earth have been created for all of humanity and the animals in order to supply their needs. Jesus Christ came to bring the truth and light to a world that hungers and thirsts after justice. Through the ages, those who have defended the plight of people and animals, have marvelled at God’s intervention and his deliverance to those who are downtrodden and deceived. The greatest lie that is being told, and is told daily, is the lie that there is not enough to support the people of the universe. There is more than enough when humans learn to share.

It has been recorded that Martin Luther stated that he made some important calculations. It seemed, according to his calculations, that the French King, who was one of the riches monarchs in the world five hundred years ago, would not have been able to feed all the birds in France, if he had to pay for food for one year from the state treasury. When we consider all the birds in the world, and the amount that they have to eat in order to survive, and we translate it into monetary terms, we would stand astonished at the staggering amount. Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew in Chapter Six verse Twenty Six, “Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them,” (NRSVB). The birds of the air fill a most necessary role in the ecosystem. Despite their important function, they are not counted for much in the economy of many industries and are subjected to many forms of termination.

Jesus stated that the life of a bird of the air seems to be insignificant, but to his Father, each bird’s life has been recorded and has worth. God cares and is concerned about the birds of the air, we can be assured that he cares equally about us. He will supply our needs, as he supplies the needs of the birds of the air. They do not belong to any one, but their God. The Children of God do not belong to the world, they belong to God, for in him they live and move and have their being. We can fix our eyes on Jesus and know that he is the living water that quenches our thirst for justice and righteousness, he will not disappoint us. The world and all that is in it is the Lord’s and he has his plans in place to sustain her and her people.

Father, we thank you that we can throw our burdens of anxiety and fear on your shoulders. We cannot save this world and her people, we cannot support even the birds of the air sufficiently. You have come to save and set things right and therefore we need not fear. We pray that we will see your deliverance and your peace manifested in our world, Amen.

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