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Devotion for Thursday 15 July

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword is taken from the Book of Exodus, Chapter 16, verses 11 and 12, “The Lord spoke to Moses and said, “I have heard the complaining of the Israelites, say to them: At twilight you shall have meat, and in the morning you shall have your fill of bread; then you shall know that I am the Lord your God,” (NRSVB). This chapter gives us a glimpse in the life of Israel journeying through the desert with Moses and Aaron. They became extremely rebellious against their leaders, already in the second month of their journey, and started to grumble that they would rather be sitting around the fleshpots of Egypt and having their fill of bread. The Israelites went as far as telling Moses that he brought them out in the wilderness to have them killed by hunger. But the Lord heard all the murmurings and spoke to Moses and Aaron. He told them that he would provide, from heaven, daily food for the people. It is amazing how quickly people can forget God’s miracle acts and be tempted to only focus on the temporary, nourishment for the body. In the evening quails rained from heaven and covered the camp and the following morning, when the dew was lifted, they saw round flake-like matter on the ground. They asked, “Manna,” meaning what is this, and Moses told them, “This is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat,” (Amplified Bible).

Scholars teach that the manna that was received by the Israelites were supernatural food, provided for the journey through the desert. It was never before seen by the people, therefore their question, “What is this?” transliterated as “man hu”, the origin of the word “manna.” In John Chapter Six verses 48 to 58 Jesus teaches regarding him being the bread of heaven. We read that the people were amazed at Jesus’ teaching and said: “What is this,” He teaches by authority about things that we have never heard of before. When we share in the bread and wine, we share in the gift and blessing of God, we are strengthened for our desert journey here on earth, as the Israelites were. “I, Myself, am this Living Bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this Bread, he will live forever,” John 6 verse 51. Participating in the meal from heaven we affirm that we believe that God supplied for us salvation through his Son, so that we will receive life-eternal. We also affirm that we believe that God shall supply all our earthly needs, according to his riches in the Lord, Jesus Christ.

The writer of the Book to the Hebrews writes in Chapter 10 verse 36, “For you need endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised,” (NRSVB). The Israelites were promised that God would sustain them through their journey and take them to the Land of Promise. Through the long journey through the desert God showed his mighty arm and his miracles in providing for his children. He brought them to the promised land, despite their murmuring and rebellion, and their doubts whether God planned good outcomes for them. Likewise, we are promised that God will show his mighty arm and is travelling with us as we journey with him and his people, the church in this world, towards our home, the heavenly Jerusalem. We need to endure and overcome the stumbling blocks on the way, for we will not suffer disappointment. God’s ultimate plan is for our hope and our future. In God’s economy stumbling blocks are stepping stones. Whenever we suffer a temporary setback, or when it seems as if our way is blocked, let us ask, like the Israelites, “Manna,” what is this? We shall see and experience that whatever befalls us is as manna from our Father’s hand. We do not need to fear, God has supernatural ways to answer our prayers and supply in our needs.

Father, we come to you and we ask you to forgive our doubts and murmurings when we are faced with obstacles. Help us to believe and trust you. Help us to look up to you as you lead us through the wilderness, feeding and caring for us along the way, Amen.

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