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Devotion for Thursday 10 June

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of Psalms. We are drawing today on the longest psalm in Scriptures, the one hundredth and nineteenth psalm, a psalm telling of the gift of the laws and prescripts, or statutes of God, and the guiding influence that these instructions play in teaching us to live uprightly before God and men. It is fitting that this psalm should be the lengthiest in instruction and praise, for God’s instructions are sweet and not burdensome and cover all the various aspects of human life. God intends for his words to give us life and life in abundance, so that we can truly taste and see that he is good. “With my whole heart I seek you; do not let me stray from your commandments, ” Psalm 119 verse 10, (NRSVB). The heart of a human is considered the organ that keeps the the body alive, ticking on, pumping life-blood to circulate the necessary oxygen and nutrition, so that the body functions effectively. The heart of a human is also considered as the centre of emotion and passion, the source of thoughts, dreams and hopes and the source of various affections. The psalmist uses the word “heart” in this psalm connecting it to the latter understanding, for the heart is the seat of love directed towards God. The heart leads the mind in understanding God’s laws, for God is love. He loved us first. We love him and obey his commandments out of love and not out of fear of punishment of the law.

The psalmist describes in the opening line of the psalm that those will be blessed by the Lord who follow his commandments. This blessed estate is explained as being in a happy, fortunate and to be envied position, despite outward appearances. Those who follow God’s commandments will be given his peace, the peace that is beyond our understanding. This was the peace and glorious estate of those whom Jesus described in the Sermon on the Mount as we read in Matthew 5 verses 3 to 12, “Blessed are the poor, those who mourn, those who are meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, those who are merciful, those who are pure of heart, those who are makers and maintainers of peace and those who are persecuted for the sake of the Kingdom of God.” Being blessed in the eyes of the world looks very different to the view of blessedness as Jesus described it to his listeners and followers. Jesus described this condition of the heart, the heart that stands before God and experiences joy, peace and love; being assurance of spiritual-prosperity, of tasting the satisfaction of God’s favour and salvation, even in times of persecution, (Amplified Bible).

Jesus Christ, the Enfleshed Word of God, in his teaching and preaching, healing and blessing of the people who came to him, used quotes from Scripture to explained the commandments of his Father. Jesus explained that the ultimate goal of all the commandments is to bring all to the Father, who loved the world so much, that he gave his only begotten Son. God’s words are words of life. His commandments are to benefit our souls, hearts and minds, and strengthen our bodies, to live life on earth, with a view of life in heaven. Suffering on earth is not punishment from God, he suffers with his suffering children. Whatever we suffer, he has suffered it on our behalf. He comes alongside us to help us to bear the load. We are blessed in his Kingdom economy, not with the earthly blessings that will not last, but with the blessing of peace on earth and peace in heaven. The commandments of Scripture are not yokes of heavy labour, but to yoke us together with the One who has died for us. He who carries our burdens on his shoulders and who will never leave us, nor forsake us.

The Apostle John writes in his First Letter, in Chapter 5 verse 3, “For the love of God is this, that we obey his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome,” (NRSVB). The laws pertaining to living life in this complex world of taxes and tributes, fees and subscriptions, permits and permissions are continuously changing and in need of constant reinterpretations. The laws of God are permanent and unchanging, these laws do not favour one individual above another, but are just and fair. We are promised that those who heed the laws of the Lord will receive the commendation of the Father who will welcome the good and faithful servant into the Kingdom of the Lord. When we seek the Lord with our whole heart, we will find the love of the Lord for us, revealed through the pages of Scripture. Getting to know the commandments of the Father and obeying his statutes bring us to experience the joy of being set free from the burdens that we carry. The commandments of God are not to hem us in, but to lift us up, and allow us to soar on eagles’ wings. We are renewed through God’s grace unto faith, to enjoy his blessed gift of soul peace.

Father, we thank you that you have laid your laws in our hearts and minds. Thank you that you have sent your Holy Spirit to interpret your laws to us. Thank you that you have sent your Son, Jesus Christ, to come and fulfil the demands of the law on behalf of us, Amen.

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