god, religion, cross

Devotion for Thursday 1 July

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

The watchword for the month of July is taken from the Book of Acts, Chapter 17 verses 27 to 28, “God is not far from each of one of us. For in him we live and move and have our being.” Paul used the words of our watchword in his sermon that he held when he was asked by the Greek philosophers to debate with them in the Areopagus, at the Mars Hill auditorium. Some Epicurean and Stoic philosophers denounced his teachings, but others were very interested, for they thought that he was teaching about new deities that they didn’t know. Paul spoke to them and commended them for the reverence that they had for teaching and learning and their constant yearning for new knowledge. Paul told them that he witnessed their altar with and inscription for “the unknown god.” He was coming to bring them knowledge of this “unknown god,” whom they already worshipped and whom he had encountered. This God is the Maker of the Universe, the God that is not far from each one of us, the God who has an appointed time to judge the world, through the One that has been given this task, the One who was raised from the dead. Some listeners scoffed at Paul’s teaching, but others became believers, amongst them, Dionysius, a judge of the Areopagus. Many listeners wanted to hear more of the debates and teachings that Paul delivered. The teaching that we move and live and have our being in God, was a new and novel teaching to the Greeks. They perceived their gods and deities as beings who were far-off and remote, they were not directly involved in the minutiae of people’s lives, and their salvation.

The Apostle Paul knew how to debate with the Greeks of Athens, for he was skilled in the philosophies of his times, and the manner in which debates were conducted. He used his knowledge of the Greek philosophies to show the listeners similarities in their understanding of religious beliefs. Using the knowledge that was known, Paul moved further and introduced new and unknown truths to his audience. He taught Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ crucified, and many were moved by the Spirit to believe. After this sermon in Athens, Paul moved to work in Corinth and extended his journey as the Apostle to the Gentiles. Taking the people from where they were and teaching them the gospel of Jesus Christ, he brought them to seek and find God who is near to each one of us. In times of confusion and despair, the knowledge of God’s nearness is consolation. Paul experienced this consolation in his countless persecutions and times of trials.

The watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Hosea, Chapter 13 verse 4, “I have been the Lord your God ever since the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and besides me there is no saviour,” (NRSVB). God revealed himself to Hosea in visions and spoke to the prophet regarding the backsliding of the people whom he loved and saved out of Egypt. Hosea’s life became an object lesson for God’s love for his people as Hosea forgave his unfaithful wife, as God forgave his unfaithful children, the nation of Israel. As Hosea’s wife, Gomer, was reinstated in her home, so God will bring his exiled children back and reinstate them back in their land, and back in the temple, worshiping their God in Zion. There is no other God, there is no other truth, high ways and by-ways will lead to great pain and consternation, searching for another god, would be a futile journey. However, The true God, the Maker of the Universe, waits for his rebellious children to return and to realize: there is only one God. He loves his rebellious children and waits for them to turn back to him.

It is the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, who was poured out mightily on the day of Pentecost, that prays and pleads with our spirit and calls on our Father, Abba Father. We dwell with the Lord for he dwells within us, we are beings filled with presence and purpose of God. “By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and do testify that the Father has sent his Son as the Saviour of the world,” was written by the Apostle John, in his First Letter, Chapter 4 verses 13 and 14. It is through the indwelling of the Gift of the Spirit, who comes and stands alongside us and works faith within us to confess Jesus daily, that we can and preach Jesus crucified to those near and those far. It is only through the grace of God that we are filled with life to live and to be the new being, the being that has been moved and stirred by God.

Father, we thank you that you have stirred us to experience life through the living water and daily manna given to us, through the word and work of your Son, on the Cross, for us. Help us to tell those we meet about the God who has made himself known to us, through his Love, shown on the Cross, Amen.

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