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Devotion for the Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, Sunday 29 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for the week following the Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity is taken from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 25 verse 40, “Christ said: I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine; you did for me,” (NRSVB). In the Gospel of Matthew this discourse of Jesus is the last teaching before his arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus concluded his teaching on the Kingdom of Heaven and explained that life on earth is a preparation for life in heaven. In this preparatory work on earth, when the Kingdom of Heaven rules are applied, people can experience the joys of heaven, on earth. Jesus told his followers to stay watchful and be mindful to actively help those who are the helpless, the poor and the needy in society. They are the people who need help and support and most of all respect and love. Their lives on earth can be improved by the acts of kindness and love from those who were given more. Only offering respect and concern to those who are of importance will not render a better society. Above all, it will not be working towards the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Jesus warned his followers that when he will come in glory and return to the earth with the angels, suddenly, many people will recognize him for who he is, the Messiah. Then they will want to engage in acts to serve him, but then it would be too late, for the serving of the Lord and his kingdom starts with recognizing the needs of the poor and lowly. Jesus’ final work on earth, when he comes in his glory, will be to judge the works of humanity throughout the ages. Even the smallest act of kindness towards the least in society will not be unnoticed and would be rewarded as if it was done unto the Lord himself. The Kingdom of God is amongst us when we act as the hands and feet of Jesus. When we work with the talents and resources God gave us, to bless those in need around us, we fulfil the commandment of love towards our neighbours.

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, Chapter 15 verse 19, “If you turn back, I will take you back,” (NRSVB). In this Chapter Jeremiah called on the Lord and stated that he was scorned by the assembly, he felt pained at their rejection of the word of the Lord and the rejection that he suffered as a prophet. His heart was uncertain. He found that he was doubting his own work and worth as a commissioned spokesperson of the Lord. The Lord then reassured Jeremiah of his hand on him and his ministry as a prophet. The suffering of persecution was part of the ministry that he was called to do. God told him to turn back to witness and to stop doubting his own words and worth, for God would reinstate him in the sight of his adversaries. God promised that he would strengthen him so that the people’s rejection would not overpower his work, but rather serve to strengthen him and make him able to speak God’s words. Jeremiah took heart, he continued to prophesy and minister for more than forty years, spanning the tumultuous times of the pre-exilic and some of the exilic history of Israel.

Jesus knew that his disciples, as well as his future followers, would suffer times of persecution. In those time they would need to cling to the word of God just like the prophet Jeremiah had to do. Those who draw on the words of the Lord and his teachings would not be alone, but would experience the nearness of the Lord and the Father, as they journey towards the Kingdom of Heaven together. “Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them,” Jesus said to his followers in the Gospel of John in Chapter 14 verse 23, (NRSVB).

Father, we thank you for your words of love and instruction, for your promise to be with us so that we can continue to work in your Kingdom of Heaven, here on earth. Help us to see the needs of those around us. Help us share you love and hope with deeds and words so that they will experience you and our Father, making your home with them, Amen.

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