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Devotion for the Tenth Sunday after Trinity, Israel Sunday, 8 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for the week following the Tenth Sunday after Trinity is taken from Psalm 33 verse 12, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people who he chose for his inheritance,” (NRSVB). In this praise psalm the psalmist describes how the plans of humans, even those of the great kings and potentates of the universe, come to naught when it is in opposition to the plans of the Lord God. Israel, despite being a small nation and under constant attack during her long history, is promised that she will see peace again. God will be present on his holy mountain in the city of Jerusalem and the nations will bless Israel for telling the message of Good Tidings. Salvation for the world was obtained through Christ outside the city gates of Jerusalem on the Cross. Through him nations will come together to bless Israel and the Lord for the gift of life eternal. As we come to praise God, we wait on Him, for he is our Help and Shield. It is only in Him and in his steadfast loving-kindness and mercy that we find strength. Our hearts can rejoice for God he will not allow our hoping and waiting to be in vain.

On this Sunday we praise the Lord and rejoice in his plans for the world and her redemption, long before the foundation of the earth was laid. We come to God and ask for his blessing on the nations of the world and pray for the peace that he promised to descend on the world suffering turmoil. For God promised that there will be a time when there would not be the need to be taught how to wage war, for peace will come from Zion. The prophet Isaiah prophesied regarding those who ruthlessly and without fear destroy the poor and defenceless nations, for God will break through and defend them and gain the victory. The joyous songs and shouts of victory of the enemy would be quietened as Isaiah states in Chapter 25 verses 5 to 8 “So the song of the ruthless ones is brought low. On Mount Zion shall the Lord of hosts make for all the peoples a feast. He will destroy the veil that is woven and spread over all the nations for He will swallow up death in victory, and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces,” (Amplified Bible). Christ has swallowed up the sting of death and condemnation and therefore the nations can rejoice. This joy will be also be enjoyed by the land of Judah when they will join in to sing the song of salvation of the Lord, the King of kings, whom every tongue shall praise.

Our application verse for this Sunday is taken from the Magnificat of Mary, as written in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1 verses 51 to 52, “Mary said: He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted the lowly,” (NRSVB). The plans of the proud, who reject the Lord and plan for the down-fall of others, are only plans in their hearts and minds, God does not allow these plans to be fulfilled. Mary rejoices as the Angel of the Lord promises her that through her God has planned to bring restoration and peace. This is the fulfilment of the promised peace that he spoke of to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the peace that came when Jesus said: It is finished! Yes, the battle of humanity against the last enemies, that of death and decay has been won for us. We can live in this joy and wait to see the restoration of the world and the coming of the new heaven and the new earth. We can live, singing the song of the redeemed, the song of the Lamb, who is worthy.

Father, we thank you that you have planned peace for this world. You have overcome and assure us that our hope and waiting will never be in vain, for you will bring your peace and healing. We come to you and thank you that we are children of your inheritance, we have been chosen to share in the grace of your redemption with the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . We thank your for your Son, our Lord, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion