Devotion for the Ninth Sunday after Trinity Sunday 1 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for the week following the Ninth Sunday after Trinity is taken from the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 12 verse 48, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked,” (NRSVB). As one starts to grow in knowledge and stature, one is given more responsibilities. This is a life-long progression and can lead to people becoming over-burdened by the heavy load of responsibility that their decision-making and executive authority place on their shoulders. However, the prophet has been instructed by God that the burden that is laid on the prophet’s heart, to share the word of the Lord, is not a burden pressing the bearer down. Sharing the word of God is a precious call to be taken up with reverent awe and commitment. It is as if one shares in carrying the cross of Christ. The reward is eternal and spiritual.

Those hearing the word will be saved from eternal calamity when they heed the word and are pointed to Christ. God will declare the bearers of the Good News as being good and faithful servants. The Apostle Paul wrote that all the things that he counted as gain paled in significance, and he counted those things as loss, for gaining the surpassing gift of salvation through Christ. It is truly lamentable when people do not honour the prophetic word, nor heed the proclamation. Despite people’s rejection of the message, the prophet should not refrain from bringing the word of God to the people. God has not only given his word to prophets and apostles, priests and pastors. God writes his words, daily, on the hearts and minds of those who love him. We are urged to tell about this great gift that we have been entrusted with. God sent his Son, because he loved the world so much. He yearns for the world to be reconciled to one another and to turn to him. Sharing the Gospel is the greatest gift and responsibility that we can undertake. We have a heavenly commissioned to embrace this duty.

The Apostle John wrote in his First Letter in Chapter 4 verse 19, “We love, because he first loved us,” (Amplified Bible). Love is the greatest of the Christian virtues. It will never cease to be, it will continue, for it has been created by the Father and lives within us, eternally. Love is something that envelopes us and takes hold of us. It enables us to become what we ought to become. Through the eyes of love we can see our neighbour as they ought to be. God sees us through these eyes of love, perfected and whole. We have received the love of God poured out over us through the work of his Son on the Cross. Christ’s precious blood was shed to answer the loveless call of revenge for all the blood spilt on the earth, once and for all. Greater love has no one than to lay down his life for another, this is the love that has called us. We are loved to the uttermost.

God laid down his law in the hearts of the Israelites and he commanded them to love the Lord because he is truth and life. Love looks out to give the best to the one who is loved. God’s love is perfect and unconditional love, love that never gives up, but continues to wait for the beloved to return. Through the love of Christ we have been taught to love God and our neighbour as we love ourselves. Because of God’s great love for us, we can “Love the Lord with all our heart and soul and might,” as he has taught us in Deuteronomy 6 verse 5, (Amplified Bible).

Father, we come to you and ask that you will give ear to our prayers, and see our sorrowful situation here on earth. We dwell in the midst of great fear, anxiety and calamitous disease. We ask that you will bring your healing and your love in a world that is lacking in hope and empathy. Thank you that your word speaks to the waves and they obey you and become quiet, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion