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Devotion for the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, Sunday 5 September

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for the week following the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity is taken from Psalm One Hundred and Three verse Two, “Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits,” (NRSVB). Looking closer at this poem of consolation that David wrote to comfort himself in his suffering, his great afflictions, and his state of anxiety, we find comfort for our pained souls. The margin notes of the translators of the Amplified Bible point out that the deeper meaning of the word “all,” would be described more closely by adding “not one of” to the word “all.” The word all means each one, everything, it is an all-compassing word, however, it is a collective word, a word grouping things together. When we contemplate “each and every one of all the good things”, the benefits bestowed on us, we are taken from where we are, and placed on a large space. We see the past and the future as we count each and everyone of the good things we have received and will receive from the Lord’s hand.

David states that when the soul can meditate all the good things, each and everyone of them, the soul becomes enlarged and hopeful. God forgives each and everyone of all our wrongs, and he heals us of each and everyone of all our diseases. God does not lump our pain and needs, our wants and desires all together, but deals with each and every one in a unique and specific way, a way that will heal us, comfort us, and restore us. After God has dealt with us in this loving way we are redeemed, beautified and crowned with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Our souls can truly sing and bless His holy Name for he commands his angels to encamp around us to protect us and sing to us blessed tidings.

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, Chapter Thirty One verse Sixteen, “Keep your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears; for there is a reward for your work, says the Lord,” (NRSVB). The prophet Jeremiah prophesied for forty years with pleading, tears and warnings to the people of Israel. He felt that his ministry was to no avail, but God gave him courage by telling him that his words of prophecy will not be empty or void, there shall be a fulfilment. The Prophet Jeremiah lived to see the Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, he had reason to weep, his eyes were constantly filled with tears. His words were not only for the time that he lived in but they were words for the times to come. Each and everyone of these words were ultimately fulfilled. God’s promises are true and his benefits befall all people through all generations. God rewards all our work, not one of all our thoughts, words and deeds of goodness will be forgotten. They are used not only in the present time but will reach to the future to the benefit of the generations.

God is the God of mercy and grace and meets out justice, his perfect justness, or righteousness. He prefects and orders the world and her people so that peace can come and reign amongst us. The prayers and cries to God are not unheard. Each and everyone of all our cries reaches his ears. He works at bringing his hope and comfort to the mourning souls, those who cry out concerning all their loss and pain! We will see God’s deliverance and bless the Lord, O my soul, for he loves those who call on him. “For will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night,” as we read in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter Eighteen verse seven, (NRSVB). The Lord is near to us to deliver us and to restore us to joy, let us take heart.

Dear Father God, we come to you and bless your holy Name. We thank you that you look deep into our souls and see each and every one of all our needs, wants and desires. You see our pain and sorrow, you know our questions and you promise that you will set things right. You will perfect that, that concerns us, Amen.

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