Devotion for Sunday: Estomihi 27 February

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for this week is taken from the Gospel of Luke, Chapter Eighteen verse Thirty One, “We are going up to Jerusalem, and everything that is written by the prophets about the Son of Man will be fulfilled,” (New International Version). This week marks, on Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten Season. It is truly a time to come before God and consider the road that Jesus walked for us. A road that led to an unjust trial and unfair condemnation, but ultimately saved the world and her people, through Christ’s conquering work on the Cross for us. Christ was prepared to walk this road for us. As we have seen in the gospel accounts, Jesus’ disciples were prepared to go up to Jerusalem, knowingly that they would face, with their Lord, the pain of condemnation by the religious leaders of the temple. They had an inkling of what could happen, for Jesus prepared them for this journey of seeing their master being falsely accused, tried, condemned and crucified, as was written in and by the prophets. Their understanding was still clouded. How could they know the amazing outcome that would follow the devastation of seeing their Lord and Master crucified before their eyes? All seemed lost, but after three days, Jesus rose and became the conquering hero. He is risen and it is this risen Lord that says to us that we need to be of good cheer, for he has overcome. He will give us peace, not as the world gives us, but the peace of knowing God is with us, as we read in the Gospel of John in Chapter Sixteen verse Thirty Three, “In the world you will have tribulations and trials and distress and frustration, but be of good cheer and take courage; be confident, certain and undaunted,” (Amplified Bible).

This world that we live in has suffered a time of terrible anguish and uncertainties and is still under the throws of the pandemic. In the past week we have seen a fearful situation occurring in Eastern Europe and we are filled with anxiety. We can only flee to God and ask for mercy and peace in this world. The peace accords of leaders and nations are fragile, but the peace accord of God is perfect peace, the peace of knowing that we are reconciled with God our Father. We can move in this world undauntingly and be confident that He is the Lord of all. He assures us that he is our Rock and Refuge. The name for this Sunday is taken from the third verse picturing God as our sure shelter, a safe haven, protecting us in times of trial, as is written in the Psalm of the Day, Psalm Thirty One, “In You, O Lord, do I put my trust and seek refuge; let me never be put to shame or have my hope in You disappointed; deliver me in Your righteousness! Bow down Your ear to me, deliver me speedily! Be my Rock of refuge, a strong Fortress to save me! Yes, You are my Rock, my Fortress; therefore, for Your name’s sake, lead me and guide me,” (Amplified Bible). In the Latin scripture the third verse of Psalm Thirty One starts with the words, “Esto Mihi” meaning “you are to me,” and thus the name of this Sunday, Estomihi. Our psalm assures us that God is to be to us a Rock of Refuge. When Jesus suffered for us, he was strengthened, his hope in his Father was not disappointed. God delivered him mightily for Christ conquered the last foe, death, through his death unto resurrection life for us. In obedience he fulfilled the words and prophecies of scripture becoming the Suffering Servant and our Victorious Lord.

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm Twenty Seven, verse Fourteen, “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord,” (NRSV). In times of uncertainty and turmoil, we are called to wait on the Lord and not to become discouraged, for he will not disappoint us. He will incline his ear to us and hear us as we intercede for this world and the people of this world. The Apostle Paul encourages us not to become disheartened but to cling to our hope. “Our hope for you is unshakeable; for we know that as you share in our suffering, so also you share in our consolation,” as we read in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, Chapter One verse Seven, (NRSB). Believers throughout the world share the pain and turmoil experienced by the people of the world, wherever they are, for we are deeply interconnected, we are children of God, all created in his image. Praying and interceding for this world and her people to experience God as Rock and Refuge is our sacred call and duty. God will not disappoint, He is the Fortress and Protector and will not leave the people of this world abandoned.

Father, we thank you that you are our Rock and Refuge and our sure Deliver. We pray that you will come and speak peace into this world that you have created. We call on You and pray in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you will pour out your mercy and loving-kindness, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion