Devotion for Sunday 6 June The First Sunday after Trinity

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,
Our watchword for the week following the First Sunday after Trinity is taken from Luke 10 verse 16, “He who listens to you listens to me; he who rejects you rejects me,” (NRSVB). Jesus instructed his followers and sent them out to preach that the kingdom of God has come. Jesus blessed the seventy disciples with great power to do miracles and to bring knowledge of “God’s Kingdom life” to those whom they encountered in their ministry. When the disciples returned to Jesus they were overjoyed at the positive reception that their words and work received. Jesus warned them that even when their words would not be welcomed they must not become despondent. They can rejoice for their names have been enrolled in heaven.

The prophet Jonah was an unwilling bearer of the word of God and ran away from his appointed work, but God brought him back miraculously. He taught God’s word of repentance and the great city of Nineveh had remorse and repented in sack and ash. Jonah did not rejoice that the word of the Lord broke through, but wished retribution on the people who wronged Israel. God reprimanded Jonah and told him that His mercy was inclusive. God’s mercy is for the world and all her people, for those who come to God will be heard and saved. God calls on people to be peacemakers, to teach his word with love and to care for a dark world and an aching people.
The watchword for this Sunday is taken from the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 12 verse 20, “Those who counsel peace have joy,” (NRSVB).

The counsel of many professionals focuses on obtaining the best outcome for an individual or collective, disregarding the cost, or the strife that it could start. The writer of this proverb encourages all those who counsel to strive for peace among people; this should be the aim of human action. Peace could ask of one to be the least, but the reward of peace outweighs the rewards of temporary gain. Winning an argument does not win a friend. A soft word and wise counsel save relationships and bring reconciliation. Jesus does not want his children to be pulled into the strife of the world. Their counsel must not cause animosity to escalate. He teaches in Matthew 5 verse 9, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God,” (NRSVB). One might not be victorious in the world’s eyes when one stands back. It is worth paying this price of peace, for this is the hallmark of the children of God.
Father, we thank you that you have given us your commandment to spread your word and your blessing as we are listened to when we walk and talk your peace. Help us to joyously bring your word and counsel of peace, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion