Devotion for St John the Baptist’s Day 24 June

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Gospel of John, Chapter Three verse 30, “He must become greater, I must become less,” (NRSVB). This day is celebrated commemorating John the Baptist’s powerful self-understanding of his ministry as being the one who calls in the desert, make straight the paths for the Messiah. John the Baptist, was in the words of Jesus, the greatest prophet of all. John realized that the work of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, was to fully eclipse the work he did and to bring in fulfilment the prophesies he prophesied. The prophet Isaiah foretold, ” Of the increase of His government and of his peace there shall be no end,” (Isaiah 9 verse 7). John saw himself as the groomsman who waited for the bridegroom and listened carefully to hear his voice. When he heard the bridegroom’s voice, he rejoiced greatly and realized that he has completed his work. Christ, the bridegroom has come and he must grow more prominent, and the predecessor, the Voice in the Desert, must grow less important.

The change in the seasons, as the longest day is celebrated in the north, announcing the death of spring and the coming of winter, and the death of winter heralding the coming summer in the southern hemisphere, by having the shortest day, is an image of this waning of the person serving as the prophet announcing the ministry of Christ. The solstice, that marks this change, was celebrated on the 21 June and symbolizes the radiance of Christ growing, or waxing, daily stronger in the fulness of the Spirit. He is the Sun of Righteousness, bringing his light to the world. The ministry of John fades, or wanes, as he points to the bridegroom, Jesus Christ, the Saviour.

John the Baptist’s birth was announced to his father, Zachariah, as he was preparing the sacred offering in the temple. He was chosen, as the priest to enter the sanctuary that year, to burn the incense to God. Zachariah could not help asking a sign from the angel to confirm that the words regarding the birth of a long-awaited son, would come true. The angel told Zachariah that the sign that he would receive would be his inability to talk until the day that the promise would be fulfilled. In Luke 1 verse 76 and 77 we read the prayer that was prayed by him as he dedicated his son to the Lord after his birth, “And you, child, will be called the prophet of the most high; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people by the forgiveness of their sins,” (Amplified Bible). The promise came true and a son was born for Zachariah, however, during the waiting period of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, Zachariah could not speak.

After the birth of John, when the people asked what the baby’s name would be, Zachariah wrote, that his name would be John. This acknowledgement of the angel’s announcement, by writing the name of the new baby down as John, restored Zachariah. His speech returned and he continued to work not only as a priest, but also as the blessed father of John the Baptist, the greatest prophet of all. The work of the Lord in the lives of human beings can leave us speechless as it left the parents of John the Baptist speechless. The deep longing of the priest and his wife, a longing that they tried to forget, as they were turning on in years, was fulfilled by God. They were given a son, a son that was foretold by the great prophet Isaiah, a son to follow in the footsteps of his father, preaching and teaching the word of the Lord. However, this boy John, would not teach in the synagogues, but would preach in the desert and baptize in the river.

God bestowed favour on his people, for they were special in his sight. His Son came to redeem all people from all sin. God appointed John the Baptist to preach repentance to Israel and to baptize his Son, our Redeemer. John recognized who Jesus was, is and has been, and pointed others to Christ, the Redeemer of the world. We are taught by Christ, he is our example, he served us so that we can serve others.

Father we thank you that you have sent your prophets to announce your Son, help us to hear his voice and follow his commandments, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion