Devotion for Saturday 31 July

Dear Readers and Listeners

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 8 verse 18, “Remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power,” (NRSVB). Moses is preparing the Israelites to enter into the land of promise. It would not be long now, before they would be crossing the borders to take possession of the land that they have been travelling towards for forty years. Moses has been instructed by God that he would not enter into the Promised Land with the Israelites, for God would come to fetch him to take him to be in his eternal home with God. Moses’ imminent new destination is therefore not the earthly Canaan, but the heavenly Canaan. It is therefore imperative for Moses to instruct and remind the Israelites of their covenant that they have entered into with God. He continues to impress upon their minds the importance of maintaining their promises to honour and obey God, so that they would be able to enjoy a bless and fulfilled life in the land that they are to enter. He reminds the Israelites of God’s presence in a land filled with drought and scarcity. In the barren desert the people were humbled, for they realized that they could not find food or water, nor could they protect themselves from the elements and the creatures of the desert. God provided water from the rock, manna and meat from heaven. He gave light in the night through a fire column, and shelter by day through a cloud. He protected them from poisonous snakes and scorpions and other wild animals. God even saw to it that their clothes didn’t perish, nor their feet grew swollen from travelling the long distances through the desert. It was through the power of God and his presence among the Israelites that this journey could have been undertaken and completed.

The power of the Lord is an awesome power. This is the power that encompasses everything on earth and in heaven. The universe has been structured and maintained through the power of the Lord. In our prayer that Christ taught us, The Our Father Prayer, we usually end it with the added section, called the doxology, that has been used in the church for nearly two centuries, “For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, Amen.” Ending our prayer with this conclusion states clearly that we believe and know that we do not have a lasting kingdom here on earth, nor do we have any power to create what is needed on the earth for humanity, neither do we have any glory within ourselves, all these things are given from the Lord through his mighty power. Moses was deeply concerned that the Israelites would start to view themselves as all powerful when they experienced a wonderful new life where they would created prosperity for themselves by working the land and building houses and cities. He warned them not to forget that it is through God’s power that they have been given these abilities. Like the Israelites, modern society is in awe of human progress and has attributed this progress of humanity to their own inventiveness. Now, where we stand in the midst of great calamity, will the world be reset to return and give God glory? Could the world work towards his kingdom by seeking his face, asking him to act in his great power and might?

Whether the world turns to God, or not, should not hinder those who look to the Lord and wait patiently for him, in their prayers and petitions, as they call on the Lord to come in his power. It is the loving duty of the church, the command of the Lord on his church, to prayerfully intervene for the world and her people, who are in constant awe of their own power and achievements. If the church fulfils her God-ordained duty of intercession for the world, God will listen and come in his awesome power, as he has promised. “For I have overcome the world, I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you,” Jesus told his disciples in the Gospel of John, Chapter 16 verse 33, (Amplified Bible). The power of the world is a destructive power, whilst the power of God is a creative power that restores life and truth. God has given his children the power of the Holy Spirit, who dwells within them, to call things that are not as if they are, through the prayer of the faithful. The prayers of the children of God have great power in heaven and on earth. We receive through our Lord what we need to continue to live in the desert as we are prepared to live in the bounty of the promised land. We read in the Gospel of John, Chapter 3 verse 27, “No one can receive anything except what has been given from heaven,” (NRSVB). This is our comfort and joy, God gives from heaven. We have received his power to overcome, through the Holy Spirit.

Father, we come to you and thank you that you have filled us with your hope and joy, for you have shown your power in this world, on the Cross. The power of your love reconciled the world and her people to you, help us to live in this power of your redemptive love, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion