Devotion for Saturday 27 November

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm Seventeen verse Seven, “Wondrously show your steadfast love, O Saviour of those who seek refuge from their adversaries at your right hand,” (NRSVB). In this prayer of the psalmist, King David, he calls on the Lord to save him from the attacks of those who are against him. David marvels at the inhumane acts and works of humanity, having had closed their hearts from pity, while living in prosperity and arrogance, not taking in consideration those who are suffering. God’s care and his protection are experienced as all encompassing acts of defence and attack. God’s right hand is holding the weapon, while the left hand is holding the shield. It is God who acts on behalf of those who love him, those who call on his name. He will fight on their behalf, he will defend them and hide them under the shadow of his wings. God’s love is not only a passive love, but it is an active love, working to save his children. The psalmist trust that God will satisfy all his needs and ultimately, once this life is over, “I shall be fully satisfied, when awake in eternity, and I will find myself beholding Your form and enjoy sweet communion with You,” (Amplified Bible).

Today, in many Christian Liturgical traditions is the last day of the Liturgical Year. The past Sunday, Eternity Sunday, heralded in the week that has been framed with the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter Twelve verse Thirty Five, “Be dressed, ready for service and keep your lamps burning,” (NRSVB). Preparing for eternity does not demand of us to turn away from our working on earth, it asks of us to be announcing the Good News to all around us. However, it does demand of us to turn our thoughts heavenwards, as well as keep keeping a firm footing on earth. The service that Christians do on earth, is to imitate their Master, and serve their neighbour with loving-kindness. The neighbour is seen here in the widest sense of the world, all the people of the world, for God created all people in his image and called them infinitely worthy. Christians are therefore called to work with an eye keeping watch for the Lord’s coming, continually filling the lamp with oil of loving service and faithful worship.

The Apostle Paul wrote in his First Letter to the Thessalonians, in Chapter Five verse Twenty Three, “May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,” (NRSVB). This is the hope we have been promised, that when Christ comes in again in glory to the earth to set all things right, the believers will be presented to him. Then they will be pronounced blameless and guilt free, through the work of Christ on the Cross for us. Christ will show his loving kindness and his protection of his faithful children. They will be shown as bright shining lights, faithful and obedient servants, who kept the lamps of the altar burning through their loving service. They will be satisfied with God’s goodness and mercy as they feast at the table of the Lord and will see him face to face. Until that time, we are given the assurance that God will supply all our needs, according to his riches in the Lord Jesus Christ, as we walk with him towards eternity.

Father, we thank you that our lives are in your hands. We thank you for this year that you have given us, for your guidance and protection, for your loving kindness. We thank you for those whom you have called to you and we bless their lives and memories. We ask that you will keep us in your care and sustain us to keep our lamps burning as we wait on you, our Saviour and Lord, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion